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Apr 23, 2008 22:59

I think I've finally (sort of) found a good balance for myself. Being raised in a European country during my formative years definitely took its toll on me; I can't bring myself to work a "real" job for more than 4-6 months at a time until I need to nourish other parts of my life. I do like to work, it establishes great social skills and brings me into contact with a ton of different kinds of people, the kind that smoking pot and being an artist normally wouldn't. But then I get itchy feet and need to find a sunny state to maintain a...sunny state ha. But the key to my personal success is getting something significant to my artistic growth done before I let myself...indulge my lunatic ;) I completed to my satisfaction, or as close as it as I've ever come, an acrylic painting that I'm sure I could bullshit someone into buying. Not saying it's a masterpiece, just that there's an idiot born every minute. Anyways, I did that and then took a week off to just...have fun. The challenge will be to sit my ass down and focus on Bongoddess when I get back. Which will be easy because I looooove that piece and I'm excited to get knee-deep in it. I'm actually excited to get back and work on it, which is something no school assignment has ever done. Cool. Very cool.

I have a date next Thursday. We both know it's nothing serious, it's just an opportunity to get all cute and eat on someone else's dime :) But Bryan (from Carlyle) sent me a message the other day, and I can only wonder why he felt the need to do so...

It is hard work living a life of sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows. It's easy to follow someone else's plan, to do what everyone else before you has done. To believe, as your father and grandfather and so forth believed, that one must forget personal happiness to become responsible and relevant. Rather, it's a personal responsibility to find a relevant happiness. Finding happiness in things that won't do anything to make your life better is wasted energy and not worth the time spent. But finding happiness in things that will benefit your universe and by default everyone else's, that is the meaning. That is truly exhausting because it is the work of the mind, body, AND soul. Booyow.
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