Thought I'd post my demented ramblings.
1. Nigel, Nigel, Nigel. Oh, how I pine for you! This season has really been pushing for the coming out of Nigel's little crush on Jordan. He really seems to be irritated by another English bloke moving in on his territory. After last week's episode, I thought for sure he and Jordan were going to explore their chemistry when that stupid reporter guy showed up (5x04 'Judgement Day'). I mean, sure I guess Mr. Pollack is more classically Hollywood handsome, but Nigel is much more of that Byronic hero look. How many times has Nigel bailed out Jordan's ass or gotten information for her that no one else could even if it risked him being arrested? Come on, Cavanaugh! Wake up and smell the leather pants!
Nigel is a sperm donor (points for anyone who can get me his donor number. It was 5- something)... I'd have his baby. I thought it was adorable how he pretended to be Bug's boyfriend at the clinic. I'm sure that pleased the Bug/Nigel 'shippers to no end.
2. Woody seems to be finally getting his shit together. Thank God. I'm tired of his rogue cop routine; it's boring and stupid. :P
3. That new detective is kinda interesting. I like how she didn't take Woody's crap like Jordan is.
4. Bug and Lily need to get together. I've been rooting for them since the first season. Dr. Macy is obviously never going to try and start up another relationship with Lily, so she and Bug should give it a go. Office romances, they never last, do they? Actually, I would much prefer if Bug would go find that Indian lady from season 3 or 4 because she seemed so nice and interested in him.
5. I do not like Pollack. I do not like Jordan kissing Pollack. It's icky. Go kiss Nigel, Jordan!
6. The guy who played the creepy guru looks just like my 3-D Design professor. I now have a new reason to fear him. He's going to burn us all.
7. Nigel. Needs. A. Lover. Stat. Let's face it. He's one of the only members of the cast never to have a love interest that lasts more than a episode. Creepy psycho soccer mom doesn't count.