
Sep 19, 2012 00:30

Just got another rejection letter for one of my short stories ( Read more... )

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Comments 17

velvetwhip September 19 2012, 05:45:41 UTC
*hugs you lots*

I know it hurts, honey and I am not going to offer you 'rah rah' speeches right now because i know that when *I* am hurting I just want to be given chocolate and hugs and for people to just let me be upset, so I will do that for you. (Well, not the chocolate since it would melt by the time it got to you, but the virtual hugs and the space to just feel badly and not have to apologize for it you have in spades.)



fenderlove September 19 2012, 14:01:41 UTC
*hugs* I wish things like this didn't get me so down. It ruins my ability to do just about anything else for at least a day afterwards.


fenderlove September 19 2012, 14:12:55 UTC
*hugs* I appreciate the link. I think I'll need to sit down later and read it more thoroughly. :)


fenderlove September 19 2012, 13:57:57 UTC
*hugs* I'm excited for Skottie Young's A-Babies vs. X-Babies. I mean, he drew Loki as a kitten. That's adorable. :D


petzipellepingo September 19 2012, 07:48:17 UTC
:: just hugs ::


fenderlove September 19 2012, 13:59:45 UTC


shapinglight September 19 2012, 10:07:06 UTC
Do they not ever give you any feedback? Is it possible to ask for some?


fenderlove September 19 2012, 13:59:34 UTC
I don't think they give feedback. It seems like they have a lot of submissions, so they probably don't have time. The first time I got rejected from this publisher, they at least told me that it wasn't my writing (I'm guessing they meant grammar/spelling). This time it was just a form rejection letter.


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