Fender's Favourites: Men of Marvel.

Apr 03, 2012 21:50

As many of you know, I am a Marvel fangirl. I heart the X-Men and the Fantastic Four. There's an appeal to these characters that I can't find in other comics. Since comics *cough*from Darkhorse*cough* have given me some grief for the past... few years... I thought I would remind myself of why I love comics by counting down four of my favourite male characters. Why male characters, you ask? Because I need the eye candy, and so do you! :D

4. Pietro Django Maximoff, aka Quicksilver.
As the son of Magneto, Quicksilver has more daddy issues than should be humanly (mutantly?) possible. He's also the twin brother of Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch), but we won't say what kind of issues he's got involving her (I'm looking at you, Miller). With the ability of superhuman speed, Quicksilver has been a bad guy, a good guy, and everywhere in-between. He's also been involved in more superhero teams than most characters. Recently, Quicksilver, a father of one, is facing a possible divorce from his wife, Crystal, after years of tumult in their marriage.

(Teenaged Piety from X-Men: Evolution.)

3. Wade Wilson, aka Deadpool.
Diagnosed with terminal cancer before joining Weapon X, Wade Wilson didn't feel he had much to live for, giving up his career as a mercenary-for-hire and his girlfriend. After being rejected from Weapon X, Wilson was tortuously experimented upon. However, he found it was practically impossible for him to die as the regenerative powers given to him (from Wolverine) would even grow back his heart which had been literally ripped from his chest. Escaping from Weapon X's holding facility, Wilson took the name Deadpool and donned a mask to hide his features disfigured from the experimentation. He took up his old job of mercenary (his habit of never shutting up earning him the nickname "the Merc with the Mouth"). Unlike other Marvel heroes, Deadpool seems to be completely aware that he is in a comic, often breaking the fourth wall and making in-jokes to his readers (though to other characters he just seems insane).

2. Remy Etienne Lebeau, aka Gambit.
Abandoned at birth because of his black-and-red eyes, Gambit is both a lover and a fighter. As a mutant, his abilities stem from being able to charge the stored energy in an object (his weapon of choice being playing cards) and convert it into kinetic energy, creating an explosion when the object hits its mark. Gambit was raised by thieves and pickpockets in New Orleans before joining Charles Xavier's X-Men. Gambit has time-traveled, met several alternate future versions of himself, and even been one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse... and he'll always love Rogue.

1. Reed Richards, aka Mister Fantastic.
Reed was probably the smartest baby ever born. I'm hypothesizing that, of course, based on the fact that he became the world's smartest man (no word yet on who is the world's smartest woman... probably his daughter, Val). Reed is responsible for taking his friends (Sue Storm, Johnny Storm, and Ben Grimm) on an experimental space flight that brought them into contact with high doses of cosmic radiation, giving them all superpowers. Hoping to prevent the world from fearing them, Reed dubbed the group, now devoted to fighting crime, the Fantastic Four and himself Mister Fantastic. Reed married Sue, and the couple, though they've had some very tall stumbling blocks in their relationship, have managed to remain together and raise their two children- Franklin (named after Sue's father) and Val (named after their arch-nemesis Doctor Doom's first love... it's a very long story). Reed, though infinitely intelligent, makes very poor choices with convoluted reasoning sometimes winning over common sense, but he keeps trying to make the world a better place, despite the trope that bears his name.

(Reed tells the Fantastic Four's origin story to his baby daughter, Val.)

fantastic four, marvel, comics

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