My Buffyverse Timeline Project.

Feb 12, 2012 02:05

Hi, all. I thought I would share something that I've been working on for a while-- my Buffyverse fanon timeline. These are basically dates that I use when I'm writing most of my fanfics to keep up with backstory and such. It's quite insane extensive, I think. I'm still working on formatting it, spellchecking it, and making sure that I've got everything accounted for (this has been copied and pasted from like four different Word documents).

What's included: Canon material from both shows, quasi-canon material (from the Tales of the Slayers and Tales of the Vampires comics), random material from various sources like other comics and novels that I enjoyed, and my own fanon creations from my fanfics (and also from writing fanfic with kidcyclone. Believe it or not, I've kept things pretty much the same for Spike's family history since I started writing fanfic back in 2000.

At the moment, this timeline only goes through the end of S3. The details from the show aren't that... well, detailed. I was more interested at those points about getting major events, such as character deaths, and the in-between stuff. Also, be warned that there may be some stuff out of order because I'm still arranging and re-arranging.

To make it easier, for myself and others, I've italicized any fanon stuff. You'll notice that even in some canon entries I've italicized a few things because the details within the canon material were not clear or I felt too much like I was making an assumption.

Enjoy the depths of my madness! :D

Again, the italicized portions are my own personal fanon.

Before Recorded Time: Universe (at least the earlthy realm) was created, possibly by the Powers That Be or the First Evil... or possibly as a cataclysmic consequence of a battle between the two.

The Primordium: The Old Ones entered the earthly dimension via the Hellmouths (portals between dimensions that are weak), ruling over it with worshippers and lesser demons (the Senior Partners of W&H and vampires), forcing out the Powers That Be. The PTB remained watchful over the dimension. According to Illyria, the vampires were already half-bred, implying that some primordial ancestor of mankind existed for the vampires to mix their blood with. It is possible that Turok-Han vampires, described by Rupert Giles as the neanderthal equivalent to modern vampires. As mankind grew in numbers and the lesser demons became greater in number but weaker as they all interbred with human beings (according to Anya), some of the Old Ones withdrew from the waking world, entering the Deeper Well, which is connected through the earth through a chamber running from the present-day Cotswolds in the United Kingdom to the Cotswolds antipode in New Zealand. The Deeper Well was kept by the Keeper and the Warriors of the Well (who charged these guardians with their mission is unclear, possibly the PTB). Other Old Ones simply found new dimensions to inhabit or remained on the earthly plane, hidden. Lower Beings still continued to filter into from other dimensions, such as D'Hoffryn in Arashmahaar.

The Age of Humanity: The Shadow Men create the First Slayer, Sineya, in Africa. Her human form is fused with the essence of a powerful demon in order to fight vampires and other lesser demons that remained after the Primordium Age. Sineya is rejected by her village and forced to live alone on her imposed mission. Before she is eventually killed, Sineya finds the First Potential and trains her for battle. The descendants of the Shadow Men began to watch the progress of each Slayer, eventually forming the Watchers Council.

1350s BCE: During the rule of Akhenaten (18th Dynasty) in Ancient Egypt, the Order of Anubis, a cabal of vampires worshipping the jackal-headed god of the afterlife, establishes itself in Hardai. The leader of the Order was Odjit, who had inscribed in her funerary cult the royal and divine titulary of Maatkaanubis Khnumt-Osiris, Odjit Mehnit, Wesretkau, Wadjrenput, Netjeretkhau (Truth is the Ka of Anubis, Joined with Osiris, the Wicked Snake Goddess, Mighty of Kas, She of the Two Ladies [Upper and Lower Egypt], Divine of Appearance).

Around 970 BCE: The Order of Taraka, the assassins' guild, is already in full operation.

Around 500 BCE: Gaius Aurelius Natta, a Roman praetor from a plebeian family, was transformed into a vampire while on his way to the markets of Capua. He began traveling and searching to learn exactly what he had become-- one of the lemures, the malignant dead. As he learned about his kind, Aurelius began to yearn for power and hoped to gain it by bringing forth the Old Ones from their eternal slumber. He soon began transforming others and began his own sect, the Order of Aurelius. His symbol became a sun surrounded by the nighttime sky, the eternal night.

Around 10 CE: With a Germanic tribe, a young girl, Sofia, is turned into a vampire. She will later be known as Die Einsame ("the Lonely One") and Sophie Downs.

Around 800 CE: The Watchers Council create the Cruciamentum that the Slayer must endure upon her eighteenth birthday as a method of control lest the superpowered young women under their charge become too powerful.

880 CE: In Sjornjost, Sweden, Aud transforms her lover, Olaf, into a troll and is offered the chance to become a vengeance demon by D'Hoffryn. Aud changes her name to Anyanka.

Early 1100s CE: Gaius Aurelius Natta writes a prophecy detailing the rise of an Annointed One, who will act as a warrior for the Order of Aurelius.

Also, the Order of Dagon is founded by Tarnis, a monk, in the modern day Czech Republic. Their sole mission, as directed by the Book of Tarnis, is to protect an ancient mystical energy known as the Key. They have the ability to bend and shape energy and reality, including altering memories.

Also, a Queller demon arrives on earth via a meteor that impacts with Reykjavik, Iceland.

Also, Aurelius turns Heinrich Joseph Nest into a vampire. Nest will later be known as the Master.

Mid-1100s CE: While the Order of Dagon hoped to protect the Key, the Knights of Byzantium and their clerics, an Anglo-Germanic religious military group, sought to destroy it as they saw the Key, viewing themselves as carrying out God's divine will.

Around 1200 CE: The essence of the demon Lohesh, the "four-winged soul killer," is harnessed via a Ritual of Ascension into the body of a sorcerer in the Koshov Valley in Russia. Only about three people in their nearby village survived the devastation.

Also, the vampire Lothos is turned. He will eventually have an obsession with hunting down Slayers.

1400s CE: The Pergamum Codex, a collection of prophecies about the role the Slayer will play in the Apocalypse, is lost. The Codex was actually stolen by the Order of Aurelius to learn what it contained about their attempts to resurrect the Old Ones and discover that the Master will kill a Slayer in order to free him from a time when he will be trapped.

1418 CE: The demon Moloch the Corruptor has his soul trapped within a tome by an order of monks. Moloch's powers include charming unsuspecting people with promises of love, knowledge, and power.

Late 1400s CE: A sixteen-year-old Incan princess is sacrificed to the mountain god, Sebancaya. She is mummified and kept "asleep" by a magical seal. If the seal is ever damaged, the princess will awaken, and a guardian will be summoned to return her to her rest.

1500s CE: A creature, later called Santa Claus, begins disemboweling children in Europe.

Also, in France, Cloutier, a sorcerer, develops a spell called Tirer La Couverture ("draw back the sheet") that allows a person to see the see the trace signatures of magic spells.

Also, in Rouen, France, a cobbler, Roche, is sired by the child vampiress, Sofia (Die Einsame).

Also, a Slayer in England saves a walled-in town from a large-scale vampiric onslaught, but she is then burned at the stake for witchcraft by the very people she saved. Her friar, a Watcher, cannot stop the townspeople from murdering his charge, and he allows more the vampires into the town.

Also, Lothos defeats his first Slayer, a highborn lady, in a castle in England.

Also, the Master sires two female childre, Charity and Tante, and a male, Luke. Tante becomes overseer over fledging members of the Order, educating and training them in the Order's laws and lore.

Late 1500s CE: Anyanka meets Dracula.

Also, the woman, who would later become the vampire Darla, is born in the British Isles.

1609 CE: In the Virginia Colony in North America, the Master turns a wealthy and beautiful prostitute, who was dying of syphilis, into a vampire under the guise of giving her the Last Rites. The Master renamed her Darla ("the dear one") and treated her as his most favoured childe.

1700s CE: Lothos kills a Slayer in Hong Kong.

Also, the Master sires Matthias in London, England, and Beau in Paris, France.

May 26, 1723: In a town called Sharpesville, an Ascension occurs and leaves no survivors.

1727: Liam (later the vampire Angel) is born to a linen and silk merchant in Galway, Ireland.

1739: Liam's sister Kathy is born.

1753: Liam is sired by Darla in Galway, Ireland. He then murders his family, including his mother, father, and sister. Liam is later renamed Angelus.

1760: In London, England, Darla presents Angelus to the Master in the Order of Aurelius's underground lair. The meeting does not go well. Forced to choose between the two, Darla chooses Angelus. However, the Master later develops a fondness of the headstrong young vampire, deciding that one day Angelus will lead at his right hand.

1764: In York, England, after being pursued by the vampire hunter Daniel Holtz, Darla and Angelus kill his family (his wife, Caroline, and his infant son, Daniel Jr.), including turning his young daughter (Sarah) into a vampire who Holtz must kill.

1765: In France, Darla and Angelus continue to be pursued by Holtz. They take refuge in a barn, but it is set ablaze. Darla abandons Angelus to save herself.

1767: In Marseilles, France, Darla and Angelus, reunited but still on the run from Holtz, spend time with another vampire couple, James and Lisbeth.

1771: In Rome, Italy, Holtz finally manages to capture Angelus, torturing him. However, Darla is able to rescue Angelus.

1773: The demon Sahjhan brings Holtz into the future so that he can have his revenge on Angelus.

1786: In Ireland, Angelus sires a young Puritan man, Penn. Penn, in turn, kills his family, including his sister, just as Angelus did to his family.

1789: In Prussia, the Beast tries to convince Angelus to slay the Svear Priestesses, but Angelus refuses. The Priestesses banish the Beast from the earthly dimension.

1790: In Paris, France, during the French Revolution, Claudine (a Slayer) is tricked by her Watcher, Jean, into killing an aristocrat.

1791: In Los Angeles, California, Wolfram and Hart uses the blood of the mass-murder, Matthias Pavayne, to deconsecrate the ground of a former church so that they can use the location for their headquarters.

1792: In Paris, France, the Slayer, Claudine, is killed by a vampire.

December 1793: Élisabeth-Martine, the Slayer called after Claudine, is executed by guillotine as an enemy of France during the French Revolution. Her Watcher and brother are also executed.

1797: Horace Pratt is born to Arthur and Halora Pratt.

1799: Henry Erasmus Pratt is born to Arthur and Halora Pratt.

Early 1800s CE: A vampire undergoes an experimental surgery to try to survive in the sun.

1813: In Somerset, England, the Slayer, Elizabeth Weston, disguises herself as a man, Edward Weston, in order to slay vampires without the restrictions of Georgian era society.

June 18, 1815: Horace and Henry Pratt, the eldest of four brothers in a middle class family, fight in the Battle of Waterloo in present-day Beligium under the command of the Duke of Wellington as part of the Seventh Coalition against Napoleon. Horace is killed during the battle, but Henry survives and returns to London, England.

1820: Henry Pratt marries Lottie Pernell. They have a daughter, Charlotte, a respectable nine months later.

1823: Phineas Pratt is born to Henry and Lottie Pratt.

1824: Halora Pratt unexpectedly gives birth to twin boys, Hector and Harland, even as she has two grandchild by her second son, Henry.

1832: Constance Anne Boarden is born, the third child of an upper middle class banker. She has two older brothers, Reginald and Christian.

1835: Charlotte Pratt, at fifteen years old, marries her first husband, Oscar Kitteridge.

December 1838: While in Dublin, Angelus kills a young man named Daniel.

1841: In Sunnydale, California, a Slayer, Naayéé'neizgháni, is killed by a vampire at La Boca del Infierno.

1843: Twin girls, Penelope and Violet, are born to Charlotte and Oscar Pratt-Kitteridge.

Also, Phineas Pratt stays for a holiday with the family of his school friend, Christian Boarden. While visiting the Boardens, Phineas becomes enchanted by Christian's younger sister, Constance Anne.

1844: Oscar Kitteridge dies. Charlotte Pratt-Kitteridge ignores the traditional period of mourning and remarries less than two months later to Thomas Malcolm.

1845: Angelus is in Tuscany.

1848: Phineas Pratt marries Constance Anne Boarden, even though her father detested the match and wished for her to marry Viscount Varleigh.

Also, Thomas Malcolm dies, leaving Charlotte a widow yet again.

1850s: Angelus meets the French poet Charles Baudelaire and possibly inspires "Le Vampire" in the poem "Les Fleur du Mal."

August 20, 1853: William Henry Pratt is born to Phineas and Anne Pratt in a carriage on the way to a speaking engagement in the English countryside. William would spend the first month of his life sleeping in his mother's carpetbag as they travelled.

October 1853: Hector and Harland Pratt, younger brothers of Horace and Henry, leave England to fight in the Crimean War.

March 1854: Phineas Aloysius Pratt is employed by King's College School as its junior Classics master. A six-month-old William Pratt meets a fourteen-year-old Drusilla Keeble and her younger sisters, Edith and Ann, in Russell Square.

October 25, 1854: Harland Pratt, youngest of the Pratt brothers, is wounded by mortars during the Charge of the Light Brigade in the Battle of Balaclava against the Russians in the Crimean War.

March 1855: Hector falls ill from cholera and, though he receives treatment at Mary Seacole's British Hotel, succumbs to the disease and dies.

1858: Charlotte marries Jean Paul Burleigh. She prefers to sign her name in all its titulary "Charlotte Pratt-Kitteridge-Malcolm-Burleigh."

1860: In London, England, Darla discovers Drusilla, a woman with a second sight and precognition, and shows her to Angelus. Angelus follows Drusilla Keeble, a devout Catholic, to her confessional and cruelly taunts her while posing as a priest. Angelus continues his torture of Drusilla, killing her entire family (including her mother, two sisters, and uncle). Drusilla flees to a convent, the Sisters of Mercy, but she is eventually discovered. Angelus and Darla kill the sisters, and Angelus rapes Drusilla, that act finally causing her to lose her grip on reality and driving her insane. In a final act of cruelty, to make her suffering eternal, Angelus turns Drusilla into a vampire.

1861: Penelope Pratt-Kitteridge marries Carlos Randolph. Unbeknownst to the rest of her family, Penelope developed a taste for the dark arts of magic, and her husband is actually a regurgitating Forlax demon.

1864: Henry Pratt dies at age sixty-five.

April 1865: Phineas Pratt dies of tuberculosis.

1878: Elsbett Quartremain, daughter of a country gentleman in Northern Yorkshire, is called as a Slayer and taken to London for training by her Watcher, Charles Chalmers. She begins a sexual relationship with Chalmers. Worried that the Watchers Council was beginning to suspect something improper, Mr. Chalmers marries Ms. Lucy Collyweston, a fellow Watcher. However, the Council did take action anyway, sending Miss Wyndam, Mr. Pryce, and Mr. Fairweather to collect Elsbett and bring her to the Watchers Council Headquarters. She eventually escapes and spends two years traveling and fighting demons for money.

1880: In London, England, William Henry Pratt confesses his love to Cecily Addams (secretly a vengeance demon named Halfrek) at a party. After being rejected for being "beneath her," William leaves the party, bumping into Darla, Angelus, and Drusilla. Drusilla turns William into a vampire and buries him in a makeshift coffin in the cellar of Morton Street Mews, marking his "grave" with a posey of daffodils. Once William rises from the grave, he and Drusilla make love for the first time on the hay-strewn floor. William, empowered by his abilities, hopes to save his mother, Anne Pratt, from the tuberculosis that she's suffering from. He turns his mother into a vampire, but she attempts to seduce him. When he refuses her advances, she grows violent, and William stakes her.
Drusilla takes William to a hotel where she has been staying with Darla and Angelus. However, Darla has already left to visit the Master. Angelus, while at first amused and welcoming to William, quickly finds aways to torment the young vampire by flaunting his thrall over Drusilla.
William eventually begins to call himself Spike because his propensity for killing his victims with railroad spikes.

December 24, 1880: In Loxley, Sheffield, England, Angelus, Darla, Drusilla, and Spike infiltrate a society party. Spike encounters Elsbett Quartremain, a gorgeous young lady. Though he hopes of drinking her blood, Elsbett turns out to be a vampire hunter. While trying to escape her, Spike sets fire to the manor house, sending him in a mineshaft tunnels along the Western Riding.
In the tunnels near Yorkshire, with Darla, Angelus, and Drusilla, Spike receives a lecture for his actions. This is not the first time Spike's ability to cause chaos and destruction has put the vampiric family in danger. Like a parent telling a cautionary tale to get a child to behave, Angelus warns Spike about the Slayer, but rather than being frightened, Spike is intrigued by the notion.

Also, Elsbett Quartremain, suspected of causing the fire by the other guests, attempts to go home to Sherbourne Hall in Northern Yorkshire, but she is stopped by a search party of Watchers, including her former lover, Charles Chalmers. Elsbett attempts to kill herself, shooting herself in the heart and falling into the moor. However, though she technically died momentarily (calling a new Slayer in her place), Elsbett is rescued by a Hellhound of the Moors and taken home to her family.

1883: Back in London, England, Angelus kills a maid at a party.

1884: Spike steals the Crown Jewels, but Angelus makes him return them.

November 1888: In London, England, Inspector James Whitcomb is investigating the Jack the Ripper case. Whitcomb, a vampire, discovers that the Ripper is a vampire as well. He stakes the Ripper for drawing too much attention to London's underbelly, becoming a threat to all vampires living undercover.

Late 1800s: In London, England, the Watchers Academy is infiltrated by Die Einsame, posing as Sophie Downs, a young Watcher-in-Training. Sophie frees Roche, who had been imprisoned by the Watchers Council.

1890: Angelus views the ballet Gisele, which moves his undead heart.

1894: Angelus and Spike are imprisoned by the Immortal, so that he can seduce Drusilla and Darla.

1898: In Romania, Darla, Angelus, Drusilla, and Spike slaughter the Kalderash Tribe of gypsies. After Angelus kills the favourite daughter of their clan, an elder woman curses Angelus with a soul. Darla rejects Angelus after sensing his soul, but she tries to make those in the tribe reverse what they've done. However, after Drusilla and Spike have already slaughtered all of her bargaining chips, Darla orders the younger vampires to show no mercy.

1898: Angelus makes his way to Borsa, Romania, unable to bring himself to feed from humans.

1899: Richard Wilkins founds a town on La Boca del Infierno, renaming it Sunnydale after making a pact with the demons there. In exchange for allowing the demons to freely feed on the townspeople, Wilkins sold his soul and gained immortality.

1900: During the Boxer Rebellion in China, Angelus tracks down Darla, Drusilla, and Spike. Spike kills his first Slayer, Xin Rong. However, Spike is left with a permanent reminder of the fight-- a scar left by Xin Rong's sacred blade left tri-secting his left eyebrow.Though Angelus tries to assure Darla that he is the same monster she wants, she is not fully convinced and offers him a test. His killing of murderers and rapists mean little to her. However, after refusing to kill an infant, Angelus flees.

September 6, 1901: Anyanka curses Leon Czolgosz and forces him to assassinate President William McKinley.

1902: Angelus, now going by simply Angel, arrives at Ellis Island in New York.

1905: Anyanka and Halfrek observe the start of the Russian Revolution in St. Petersburg.

1907: After years of Darla running off without them, Spike and Drusilla decide to strike out on their own.

December 25, 1907: Spike and Drusilla celebrate Christmas in New York City at the grand Plaza Hotel.

Spring 1909: Spike and Drusilla celebrate Carnival in Limassol, Cyprus.

March 25, 1911: Rosaria Cammarata, a fifteen-year-old Slayer from Italy, is working in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York City when it catches fire. She is one of 146 workers to die in the fire.

1915: Gethsemane Rose, a seven-year-old Slayer, is "adoped" by her Watchers, the Colquhoons, from an orphanage in London, England.

Early 1920s: Angel saves a puppy in Chicago.

1920s: Angel is in Juarez, Mexico. He fights with the demon Boone.

1922: The Slayer is Ardita O'Reilly in New York City.

Also, in Los Angeles, vampire Tom Mitchell tries to keep in contact with his still human son, Cyrus.

August 17, 1923: Sophie Carstensen, a future Slayer, is born in Denmark.

1930s: Angel passes through Missoula, Montana.

1933: Joe Cooper is turned into a vampire in Kansas during the Dust Bowl.

1937: In New York City, the Slayer, Rachel O'Connor, is recruited into a government operation to work against the Nazis obtaining a powerful supernatural entity.

Also, in Sunnydale, the Master becomes trapped in a Spanish mission during an earthquake while trying to perform a ritual to open the Hellmouth.

1938: In Nuremberg, Germany, Anni Soonenblume, the Slayer and a member of the female branch of the Hitler Youth (Bund Deutscher Madel). She later fights against the Nazis.

1940: In Germany, Spike has tracked down a Slayer, Sophie Carstensen from Denmark, and her Watcher, Yanna Narik. Though Spike comes close to killing Sophie, a cave collapse does her in before he can finish the job, not allowing him to add another tally to his Slayer count.

1942: Somewhere in a European theatre, Spike cries while watching Walt Dsiney's Bambi. He and Drusilla make sure no one's left who might have seen him do so. It's a good thing theatres were very flammable in those days.

1943: In Germany, Spike loses track of Drusilla and gets lured into a "free virgin blood party." He is kidnapped by the S.S., along with other powerful vampires (Nostroyev and the Prince of Lies). The Nazi regime hopes to harness the vampires and use them as weapons.

Also, in New York City, Angel is approached by two members of the Demon Research Initiative to recover a German prototype submarine.

Later, somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic, Angel finds the submarine with only a scant crew of American soldiers, the escaped vampires, and a Nazi officer. In order to save the rest of the crew, Angel has to turn one of the soldiers, Lawson, into a vampire.

1946: A young man named Dennis is entombed in his apartment's wall by his overbearing mother in Los Angeles.

Also, Angel plays tennies with Bugsy Siegel in Las Vegas.

1950s: Spike and Drusilla visit Italy.

1952: Under the influence of the Thesulac demon, an angry mob attacks Angel at the Hyperion Hotel in Los Angeles.

1953: Luchadores, Los Hermanos Numero defeat an Aztec demon in Los Angeles, but four of the five brothers are slain in the process.

1955: James Stanley, a Sunnydale High School student, kills his teacher, Grace Newman, after she tries to end their relationship.

July 24, 1955: Nikki Wood is born.

1958: Spike got his first and only tattoo-- a Queen of Hearts playing card on his upper thigh with "Drusilla" blazoned across it in flowing scripted. However, he would have to burn it off with holy water later when he caught Drusilla with a Blix demon. He decides never to get another tattoo.

Summer 1959: Spike and Drusilla spent six months sailing up and down the Dordogne River in France on a houseboat. Spike had bought Drusilla a baby alligator as a pet; however, the boat capsized when the alligator got too big and cavorted around a little too hard.

1960s: Angel meets the Rat Pack.

Also, Spike and Drusilla almost got married somewhere between Paris and Rouen. Halfway through the ceremony, they ate the vicar without getting to the "I do"s.

1963: Drusilla and Spike slaughter an entire orphanage in Vienna, Austria. They are interrupted by members of the Watchers Council, including Roger Wyndam-Pryce.

May 1967: Angel attends Elvis Presley's wedding to Priscella Beaulieu in Las Vegas.

September 1967: Angel attends the first taping of the Carol Burnett Show.

August 1969: Spike attends the Woodstock music festival with Drusilla in Bethel, New York. They feed off some of the young hippies there and feel the effects of psychedelic drugs. Both vampires find themselves nude and up a tree just before dawn, only saved by taking refuge in a nearby Volkswagon Bus after quickly dispatching the occupants.

1970: Nikki Wood becomes the Slayer in New York City.

1972: Nikki Wood is in a relationship with an NYPD cop named Li. Li is killed while on a stakeout by a vampire named Le Banc. Nikki is later able to defeat Le Banc. Nikki later finds out that she is pregnant with Li's child.

1973: Robin Wood, Nikki's son, is born in New York City.

Also, Spike and Drusilla crawl out from under the Phantasmic Roller Rink in Kansas City, Nebraska after it burns down. They may or may not have been the cause of the fire.

1975: Angel fails to stop a robbery/shooting in a diner in New York City.

1977: Spike begins stalking Nikki Wood in New York City. He first fights her in Central Park while her son, Robin, watches from a hiding spot behind a park bench. Later, Spike and Nikki have a final confrontation in a subway car. Spike is able to overpower Nikki and snaps her neck, taking her leather duster as a souvenir. Robin Wood is left in the care of Bernard Crowley, Nikki's Watcher, who trains him as he would a Slayer.

June 7, 1977: Spike goes aboard a boat travelling up the Thames to watch the Sex Pistols perform on Queen Elizabeth's Silver Jubilee Day. He was arrested and put in the same wagon as the Sex Pistols' manager, Malcolm McLaren, and fashion designer, Vivienne Westwood. Spike would later regret not killing Nancy Spungen when she offered to give him oral sex in the boat's lavatory.

January 14, 1978: Spike and Drusilla travel to San Francisco, California to see the Sex Pistols perform at the Winterland Ballroom. It is the Sex Pistols final performance.

1980: Daniel "Oz" Osbourne is born. Faith Lehane is born to George Patrick Lehane and an unnamed mother.

January 19, 1981: Buffy Anne Summers is born in California to Joyce and Hank Summers.

September 12, 1981: Spike and Drusilla attend the Studio 54 reopening in New York City. Spike takes a lollipop from Andy Warhol and wakes up hours later with his penis caught in a soap dispenser in the men's lavatory.

1981: In Keller, Nebraska, Julie Lemmer, a teenaged vampire, fights a Slayer during her Cruciamentum.

Also, Cordelia Chase is born. Alexander Lavelle Harris is born to Jessica and Tony Harris. Willow Danielle Rosenberg is born to Sheila and Ira Roseberg.

Mid-1980s: Somewhere in California, Joyce and Hank Summers bring home their new daughter, Dawn, to meet their eldest child, Buffy.

Also, Kendra Young is born in Jamaica. Marked at a young age as a Potential Slayer, the Young family gave their daughter to a Watcher, Sam Zabuto, to raise and train.

1985: Drusilla and Spike spend their one hundred and fifth anniversary at Hever Castle in Kent, England.

October 1985: Gwen Raiden is enrolled in Thorpe Academy in Gills Rock, Wisconsin. She accidentally kills another child with her electric powers.

October 31, 1985: Spike and Drusilla arrive in Nashville, Tennessee and encounter a sadistic man, Mr. Eddowes, who is poisoning children's Halloween candy.

1987/1988: Buffy witnesses her cousin, Celia, die mysteriously in the hospital. Celia is killed by Derr Kinderstod.

1988: In Los Angeles, ten-year-old Dana is kidnapped and tortured for months by Walter Kindel, a psychopath who murdered her family in front of her. She is later found and taken to a psychiatric hospital.

1990: Drusilla and Spike visit the Henderson County Fair in Tennessee and almost get made part of a dark ride by a twisted carnie.

Mid-1990s: Winifred "Fred" Burkle says good-bye to her parents, Roger and Trish, and leaves her home in Texas to start her first year at college at the UCLA.

1995: Charles Gunn signs a blood oath with Jenoff in his casino in Los Angeles.

1995: Angel has become destitute, living off the blood of rats in alleyways in New York City.

1996: Whistler, a demon in direct connection with the Powers That Be, invites Angel to work on the side of good.

Spring 1996: Whistler and Angel travel to Los Angeles and see the moment when Buffy Summers is called to be a Slayer.

Also, Buffy, in trying to save her school from vampires, accidentally set the Hemery High School gymnasium on fire and is kicked out of school. The marriage between Hank and Joyce Summer deteriorates, and the two separate; Joyce decides to take Buffy and Dawn and start over in Sunnydale, California.

1996: The events of Season One of BtVS. Buffy starts school at Sunnydale High and meets Rupert Giles, Xander Harris, Willow Roseberg, et al.

1997: Angel stakes Darla in Sunnydale.

Also, Buffy Summers dies while fighting the Master. Xander Harris revives her with CPR, and she later kills the Master before the Hellmouth can be fully opened.

Also, at the moment of Buffy's "death," Kendra Young is called as the next Slayer in Jamaica.

Summer 1997: Buffy visits Hank Summers in Los Angeles.

Also, Spike and Drusilla visit Prague. However, after being confronted by an angry mob, Drusilla is taken prisoner by an Inquisitor who tortures her almost to the point of dusting her. Spike is able to rescue her, but the experience leaves her extremely weakened. Even though he dislikes the use of magicks, Spike decides that the supernatural power of the Hellmouth in Sunnydale will restore Drusilla to full health.

Fall 1997: Buffy is still dealing with her post-death experience and her relationship with Angel.

Also, Spike and Drusilla arrive in Sunnydale. When Spike has trouble dispatching his third Slayer, he calls in the Order of Taraka to deal with Buffy while he works out Drusilla's cure from the Du Lac manuscript. At the same time, Kendra Young arrives in Sunnydale. After kidnapping Angel to revive Drusilla's strength, Spike is paralyzed from the waist down after a fight with Buffy. Drusilla's powers are restored, but Spike is left partially immobilized.

January 19, 1998: Buffy and Angel make love for the first time, causing Angel to lose his soul and revert back to being a sadistic, soulless killer.

1998: Angelus resumes his evil deeds, killing Jenny Calendar (a descendant of the Kalderash Tribe that cursed him, Buffy's teacher, and Rupert Giles's girlfriend). Angelus, aided by Drusilla, decides to use the demon Acathla to suck the earth dimension into hell.

At Sunnydale High, Drusilla kills Kendra. Faith Lehane is called as the next Slayer.

After secretly regaining his ability to walk, Spike approaches Buffy, wanting to stop Angelus before the ritual finishes. Buffy is able to defeat Angelus, but not before Willow's Restoration spell restores Angel's soul. Buffy is forced to send Angel to hell, and Spike escapes with Drusilla out of Sunnydale. Buffy runs away from home and heads to Los Angeles.

Summer 1998: Keeping his promise to get out of Sunnydale, Spike takes Drusilla to the small coastal town of Cicagne in Italy in hopes that a change of location will make her forget about Angel. However, when she mumbles out Angelus's name in her sleep and accidentally attacks Spike, he throws her out of a window onto the sun-drenched beach below. Horrified with his actions, Spike retrieves her and carries her back inside, but he realizes he can't continue his relationship with her and leaves. Spike travels to Saru, Turkey and takes over an isolated village, only to be discovered by a vengeful Drusilla who brings a Necromancer named Kiones to teach Spike a lesson. However, when Drusilla spurns Kiones advances, Spike and Drusilla have to work together to defeat him. Afterwards, they make-up and decide to head to Brazil. Once in Brazil, however, things are no better between them. After being found with a chaos demon and a host of other disgusting creatures, Drusilla breaks up with Spike, believing that his obsession with Buffy drove them apart and changed him.

Also, while Willow, Xander, Giles, and Oz continue to attempt to slay vampires in Sunnydale, Buffy is working in Los Angeles and stops an interdimensional slave ring before returning home to Sunnydale.

Fall 1998: The Mayor, Richard Wilkins, begins carrying out his plans for Ascension.

Also, Spike briefly returns to Sunnydale with the intention of hurting Angel in some way, but then tries to get Willow to perform a love spell so that Drusilla will come back to him.

December 25, 1998: Spike finds Drusilla in Paris, France, hoping to "tie her up, torture her until she likes [him] again." However, Spike finally realizes that he can never satisfy Drusilla's masochistic cravings, so he finally lets her go.

1999: Buffy faces her Cruciamentum. Faith feels out of place with Buffy and her friends, and after she accidentally kills the Mayor's assistant, Faith finds solace with Richard Wilkins.

Andrew Wells summons flying monkeys to attack the school play, and his older brother Tucker sends Hellhounds to attack the prom.

Faith tries to kill Buffy, and Buffy stabs her in a brutal fight. Faith falls from the rooftop they are on and lapses into a coma.

The Mayor's Ascension plan is eventually thwarted by Buffy Summers and the 1998 graduating class of Sunnydale High.

Spike runs into a newly turned Harmony Kendall in Malibu. While, yet again, mourning his lost relationship with Drusilla, Spike finds a sympathetic shoulder in Harmony. The two begin dating, and things are perfect... until Spike sobers up.

Angel leaves Sunnydale to start anew in Los Angeles. He eventually teams up with Cordelia and a half-demon named Doyle to investigate demonic activity and crime.

epic timeline, angel, buffy, spike, drusilla, fanfic

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