OH MY GOD! Why do I do this to myself?! I haven't even been reading the comics! I've stayed away like the plague, but I just can't stop my morbid fascination with canon's anti-climactic downfall.
Everyone's got their own flounce issue (maybe not for BtVS, but even for other fandoms). You know what I mean- that one thing that you always said that if the creators/writers did, you'd leave everything behind and move on? Well, S9 is reaching for one of mine. Since I've given up on canon all together, I can't really flounce, but still, the S9 writers are poking at my EPIC FLOUNCE button, which means RANTY-RANT RAGE if they actually go through with it.
Leave. Spike. Alone. I want him away from the main story. Far away. Unliving a fulfilled, happy unlife. Maybe finding someone completely unconnected with Angel and Buffy and his old unlife. Maybe just learning to love himself. Maybe finding some close, good, supportive friends... who he doesn't ever sleep with. You know what? I'm going to pretend that Spike's story ended with Spike: Asylum and Shadow Puppets. He's living in Primm, Nevada with his friends, sometimes traveling protecting the world, and being a contented, adjusted adult.
I'll just stick with my own Alternate Universes and with
Second Time Around'verse. I give up!