Fender + SmartPhones = Unmixy Things.

Sep 04, 2011 14:04

I was forced to give up my Motorola Razor that I've had for 5+ years the other day. Since I'm still on my mother's cellphone plan and her phone broke, she wanted a SmartPhone which means that I had to get one too so that I could figure it out first and then show her how to use it... from three hours away. It turned into the biggest drama-llama-drama ever, and it's still not over.

I had to change the cellphone plan, sign up for a new contract, and a host of other things at the Verizon store all the while constantly calling my mother to check with her over every little detail to make sure that I wasn't fucking something up. Then, once I got the phones (Sony Eriksons with the little gamer controller doodad in them), I had to fill out all the rebate whatchamahoozies, pack mom's new phone and cellphone charger, and mail everything off, praying to God and Zeus to make sure nothing gets damaged because the phone has no insurance on it... AND because mom never updates anything, I found out one of the rebate-y doodads went to her old unusable email address, and now I have to wait until Tuesday to desperately try to get the Customer Service people to resend the rebate offer to my email address instead because we really need the money back. *falls over*

You know what would have been easier? For mom to have gone to her Verizon store, done all this, and then sent me my phone, since she knew what she wanted, but all I got to hear was "You know more about these things than I do." To hell I do! I hate SmartPhones/Blackberries/iPhones/Androids/etc. etc. etc. I don't want to use the phone for the Internet or for Apps. I want my phone to just be a phone. I don't even use text messaging for Christ's sake. I got laughed at at the store for having such an old phone, and then the store clerk treated me like I was mentally deficient because of it. He was being so condescending. "To use this, you have to have a Gmail account. That's for eeeemail." Even after I told him four separate times that I had a Gmail account (3 accounts to be exact), he still acted shocked that I was able to sign in... and then he laughed because I didn't have any contacts in my Gmail address book. Why should I? I hit the first letter of the email address I want to message, and the address pops up, so I don't need to use the address book.

The sales clerk also refused to write things down. I asked him to simply write down how much the bill cycle would be, and he kept refusing! Then he acted like I was stupid for not knowing it myself while he kept yammering on about proration of the account and adding on this and that. Finally, I had to get a manager-type associate to come over, and he figured out in two seconds that the proration didn't apply to my account because we've had it for so long. How hard was that?

And I hate this phone! Ugh! It's ridiculous. I hate how I have to hold it and all the Apps that are already loaded on it and all the unnecessary notifications! I just want to throw it against the wall. I can't read anything on it, and its features are going to be totally useless to me because it takes so long to type, scroll, and everything else. Most of all, I am tired of being treated like some kind of freak because I don't like SmartPhones. Every person I meet who has had one in the past couple of years is like, "Oh, just try mine! You'll love it!" after just spending thirty minutes complaining about how they themselves wish they had something different. And guess what? I've never used any of those phones that I loved. I also don't like being told that I'll "get used to it." I shouldn't have to get used to anything. It's a fucking phone, and all I needed something with a keypad and a screen. That's it, but no, I had to get an expensive piece of garbage that will likely break in a few weeks. I am so frustrated I could scream.

Sorry that I haven't gotten to reply to my newer comments. I don't have that much access to the computer at the moment, and school is trying to kill me, but that's a whole 'nother kettle of demented fish.

life woes, life update, rant

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