My thoughts are all a-flame over a conversation on the IDW Forum about souls in the Buffyverse. Can souls be involuntarily taken away? We saw Buffy get half of hers involuntarily sucked out in S4, and we know that the Mayor voluntarily sold his, but can the average Jane-or-Joe on the street have their soul taken away against their will in the '
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If the actors and other writers felt like things could be changed on a whim to fit the story's needs, then I have to sort of believe that one could believe everything and nothing as possibilities. Vampires age but they don't if the writers need them to stay pretty. Vampires don't breath but they can be drowned yet they can't. Vampires don't sweat unless Joss gets frustrated with how long the constant reapplication of make-up was taking. Vampires were the result of the last Old One leaving this reality, yet not all the Old Ones left this reality... some are in the Deeper Well and some can be called forth into a human vessel through Ascension. At first, it seems like Slayers were part of the nature order of things, but then you find out that they were just engineered from demon dust by a bunch of people too scared to fight on their own so they pick a young girl. And then there's the Guardians that do absolutely nothing. Oh, my head is starting to hurt. Is it really so hard to pick a mythology and go with it?
It's no wonder Firefly is so crap.
ROFL. Agree that very little of it makes sense, but I think the Guardian in End of Days is the most egregious example of inventing mythology on the hoof. That character really is dreadful. Plus, why does she look like she escaped from an amateur production of Gotterdammerung?
*snorfle* XD
I can almost (almost but not really) forgive the scythe because it was in Fray first, but the Guardian being there to do nothing but get killed by Caleb is just like, "What was the point of that? Couldn't Buffy just find a scroll or something that tells her the exact same thing and then Caleb shows up to fight?" Speaking of, what's with Spike and Andrew going to that weird monastery just to find the carving "It is for she alone to wield" and all that? It was a waste of time to get Spike out of the house so that Buffy could be isolated, but they learned nothing really from that that I could remember.
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