Here's my as-I-read-it thoughts on #17 of Angel: After the Fall. It's quick and it's gritty 'cause I'm so mad I could take my earrings off! The issue was excellent by the way; I'm mad at Brian Lynch though. He can suck my non-existent metaphorical ten-incher right now (and he can call that consensual). *flips him the mighty V*
+ Fender's As-She-Reads-It Thoughts on #17 +
+ Angel's still trying to figure out why W&H has disappeared all the while getting rewards and recognition for his work saving L.A.
+ Human!Nina is so pretty, the way Franco draws her.
+ Aww, Angel has to give Cordy!Dragon to Groo to take care of. "Groosalugg has two Cordys."
+ Poor Spike. He looks so sad as Illyria walks away from him.
+ Gwen is too scared to get close to her former boyfriend, and Jerry pops the question at last. It is really sweet to see Jerry again.
+ Angel has added the "Burkle Wyndam-Price" wing to the Los Angeles Public Library.
+ The tree rustling in the breeze was a nice nod to Cordy. Lovely colouring on that panel.
+ Spike now has a red shirt, same colour as the polo he wore in his fantasy with Fred. George is Spike's weapons caddy, apparently; he's got a golf bag filled with weapons slung around him. XD
+ Spike doesn't want George to say Illyria's name. For the first time, Spike uses "its" instead of "hers" in referring to Illyria. I suppose it makes it easier for him to remember that Fred's not there anymore. Poor guy.
+ I'd really like to imagine Spike "drinking tea and listening to records." Sounds very homey.
+ I officially re-ship Spangel. Angel gets out of his black convertible and Spike pulls up in a red sportscar.
Spike: There he is! Captain Big Bore, re-vamped! How's the future fall of civilization doing this fine evening?
Angel: Look at your great big car, little guy. How many phone books are you sitting on?
+ Spike trying to get the trunk open is so hilarious.
+ Apparently Connor is missing. Spike says, "Don't worry, we've raised him well." Aww. Connor has two daddies.
+ Spike apparently could not attend the library wing dedication to Wes and Fred. Poor Spike.
+ Kr'ph warns that the Lords will take out Angel's people rather than attack Angel himself because it causes more pain. Angel realizes that the Lords will go after Gunn who lies in a coma.
Spike: Should have taken my car. It's faster.
George: *to Angel* Plus, the car dealer said that if Spike gets you to take a picture in it, he'll throw in a new sound system.
+ Spike wonders about W&H's plan.
Spike: To top it all off, they create a temporary Shanshu to make you human. You can eat and breathe and get fat while the rest of us run around and get beaten and heartbroken and have sex with spiders.
Yeah, sounds like Spike totally had a boat load of fun. Note how he doesn't put sex in the party-down category. *is being snippy*
+ I'm proud. Spike actually asked Angel if it was alright for him to smoke in the car. Granted, he'd already lit up and was taking a drag when he asked, but it was cute.
+ Spike and Angel's exchanges are perfect in this issue.
Spike: Could be me, you know. I could be the shanshu. I know I'm not technically in the history books or visions but maybe that's because I wanted it that way. Maybe future-me doesn't want the fame and the hassle of paparazzi.
Angel: Funny thing about going unnoticed by history books, or visions- whatever you do, whatever path you take, good, bad- no one's goinna see you coming.
*Spike and Angel pause, both looking fairly content*
George: You just thanked each other in your heads! Simultaneously!
Spike: Heh, what? Whatever.
Angel: The fish is thinking all crazy.
George: Boys, boys, boys. Babysteps, I guess.
+ Angel has moved Gunn to Silverlake ("We stayed pleasant even in hell!") so that the mint and strawberry doublemint twins can protect him. Unfortunately, that doesn't stop Burge and his son from trying to attack Angel. And behold! Illyria appears! "Nobody kills Charles Gunn! He was important to her. He was important to everyone around her."
+ Spike has to take his leave, not ready to deal with Illyria as of yet. "Great for writing poetry, bloody horrible for my well-being." Angel thanks Spike for taking care of Connor. Awww.
+ Angel's speech to Gunn was quite good. I hope that he's able to help him when he wakes up from his coma. It was good to see Lorne too, even if he didn't have any lines.
+ Angel's gone back to his roots- he's Angel Investigations again... with a new cellphone number.