Angel once put a stop to an evil children's show, but not before being turned into a puppet during his fight. Now, fresh out of the Asylum, it's Spike's turn! Writer Brian Lynch and artist Franco Urru (Spike: Asylum) reunite for a miniseries that sees Spike and Lorne heading off to Japan to stop the latest Japanese kids' show-Smile Time! Will they become "puppetized" themselves? And along the way, find themselves in a fight with hundreds of ninja-puppets, reuniting with fellow Asylum inmates, and be at extreme odds with one other? We're not telling (but, um, yes)! Fellow Angel-ofile David Messina (Angel: Auld Lang Syne) provides a cover of puppety variance, too!
Check out for the cover image!
All I can say is... Spike + Lorne + My Lurve of Japan + Ninja Puppets with Wooden Chopsticks for Stakes = Hilarity. I'll even let the inaccurate Kanji slide. ^_~