Jul 16, 2005 05:14
so jodis bak :-D!!!!! which friggin rocks cause i missed her alot while she was gone. and yeah i hav been doing alot of not much latly. today i hung out with jodi :-D which by the way 5days ago was our 10month aniversery. then me mike kris ryan joy and carly all went to grandhaven and hung out for a lil bit. then me and mike came bak here and yeah he went to sleep and im taklin on line WOO! yeah what a day what a day no everyone tell me what they did and how it was so much better then my day cause i no u all can beat my day! eXcEpt for the fact NONE of u hung out wtih a amazingly sweet awesome beautiful girl that u r unbelievably happy to know (jodi) if u couldnt guess