Mar 06, 2004 14:30

I figured out what i want to do with the rest of my life i know what it is i am meant to do and i can and will do it i was born to liberate the masses with ROCK AND ROLL like my fathers before me. yes thats right not war not violence or hate will do this music will specificly ROCK and i am going to kick ass and take names with it for the rest of my life. the only question is who wants to help me in the quest? now before you say sure ill help you have to keep in mind that rock is not about the mindless sex not about the drugs not about the glits and glam of fame and fortune nonononnono those might be bonuses but thats not what REALLY matters what REALLY matters is the kick ass music and if you are lucky the life altering messages you can convey to people through it thats what its about BABY!!! ussualy theres noo $$$ to be made in the buisness there is not much perestige you are ussually referd to R'n'R riff raff or worse a poser, but if you are lucky and you find the right guys you can create some of the most awesome ROCK YOUR MOTHER FUCKING SOCKS OFF music EVER!!!!!! and that my friends is what it's all about being sincer to your craft. who wants to bring back good fuckin' music and kill all this corperate bullshit? who wants to rock to the heavens free of the RIAAs vice grip on creativity? I do and i am fuckin' gonna. Now i ask again, who is with me?
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