Sep 26, 2003 22:05
It's been awhile but I am finally getting around to updating. I'm just sitting here with a Molson "Ask Me For A Free Sample Lager" chillin' out after a hard days rockin'. Today rocked harder than I thought it would. We went to Fridays and had a real fuckin good time Dev and doug and Vic and DT and Beth and Paul and I kicked some ass over there, it was real sweet. Then i came back hung out with vic and beth then showered and watched Hi-Fidelity, a very good movie Jack Black and Jonh Kusack are in it. Really not much to say um Boston is doing real good its the same as it was when I left it. The leaves are starting to change not quite as warm as it was before, but I think thats a good thing I like the fall over here its really beautiful. Lot of stuff has happend since my last update so I cant say all of it, but I will talk about that stuff that is important in my life. People in life grow apart Peroid thats what happens. Relationships change. I had a friend tell me that boyfriend girlfriend relationships suck cause 9 out of ten times they dont work. whatever the cause of the breakup or whatever. it doesnt happen because people change. She said that the best relationships are ones with friends cause for some reason their just isnt that tension in friendship most of the time, that is. At least in my opinoin there shouldnt be. She was telling me this when i was asking her for advice about a certain girl im interseted in. In all truth I dont realy know if im all that interested in her anymore. its not that i think she is unattractive now or anything, i just think that the timing is all wrong. thats one of though great mysteries in life .TIMING. Being at the right place at the right time ect. ect. it is EXTEREMLY hard to do for all of you that have tried it before. It almost never works and i jsut that that if its not gonna happen then why pursue it ya know. but yeah, I geuss i will just have to see about her i maybe wrong i have been before. It would be a nice change really im on quite a losing streak and to be honest it doesnt look like its gonna let up. Then again, on the brighter side of being single i can do watever the fuck i want WOOOOHOOOO!!!!! its nice to have that freedom i think i have more $$$ in my pocket, i can flirt or whatever with any girl I want and no one is there to get jealous of any of it. its pretty nice to able to do shit like that, but they say that there are perks to being in a relationship although im no exacitly sure what they are i hope to find out on of these days. Another thing that plagens and I came to relize the other day is that The Art of Dating is becoming lost in the world. its quite odd you cant just ask someone for a date anymore its very taboo now a days why i remeber back in the day when people would go on multiple dates all the time. thats how you would meet people and see how and who they were and shit now its like this unheard of thing to just ask some one out or whatever. i honestly dont know how relationships start anymore it used to be as far as i know you would go on a date and then if you liked that person you would go on another date ect. ect. and if you really like eachother then you would become b-friend g-friend but now its strange and since ive never had a g-friend im not sure how that all happens like is said before its very confusing to me but i geuss it still does. i see people walking around holding hands and shit so they must meet somehow. i geuss that dating "back in the day" is todays equivalent to "hanging out". i suppose they are the same thing, but i hang out with lots of girls and they are not my girlfriends lol, i really think this alcohol is starting to hit me cause ive had a couple and im no heavy weight, yeah i geuss im just not very good at meeting to right girls i mean lets be honest the ratio for guys to girls here at berklee is like 10 to 3 and thats not good odds for you mathmaticians out there. Oh well, like i said we will see they say that pacience is a vertue and ive had enough so far im sure can whip up enough to last me however long i need it to. Alright now on to lighter things I went to guitar center today. there is so mch gooddamn gear i need to buy like A WHOLE FUCKING TON OF IT!!! all these great guitars and amps and shit not to mention all the recording stuff i need som i lay lay some bitchin' tracks down!!! School is good i hate my classes but hey what can ya do berklee is bullshit ya know. my finger picking blues lab is sweet though i relaly want to learn how to do all that stuff it is really sweet its hard there all all thes polyrythems it the songs thats all it is really its totaly fun and my teaher rocks dan bowden is a real cool guy. nothin mch else realy just hangin out and stuff its cool the guys are cool this year and stuff i havent really met many people on the floor people tend to keep to themselves here alot its odd i wish that people would be friendlier but the city is kinda like that sometimes oh well im sure i will meet more people later its onlythe begining of the semester. yeah i geuss thats about all really not sure whatelse to say stuff is good here alot better than last semester/ year and thats a real good thing. alright im tired now and stuff its bed time night all!!!!!!