Paintball is fun....

Apr 06, 2003 03:14

Went paintballing today at a really shitty paintball place. This place sucked compaired to most places I've been to. It was about 40 yrds. long one floor and 20yrds wide. In other words small the bunkers and stuff they had sucked to they were just these blow up mat things they sucked!! but thts ok cause paintball always rules no matter what. DT and Dev had never gone before. Doug Dev DT and I went. DT was decent but dev is really good at it. I think he was a general in some other life he has great stragity when it comes to positioning and stuff. He has a great instict for that. DT was ok he just kinda chilled in the back but thats ok cause he did his fair share of shooting anyways. Doug and I did ok I got shot in the next by this kid after I called myself out. Man, If I ever find out who you are I am going to kill you. This is not a threat, but a promise. Shooting people in the neck after they have already been shot is soules and wrong and must be stopped by any means nesessary!! Not really cause I yelled my fuckin' head off at him and probly scared him alittle so thats a good thing. I shot about 2 people not that great but then again the arena was not that great either. The guns they had were shit too that had these parrana pieces o shit for guns too,and they had these hung 20oz. tankson them. Very unbalanced. Oh well it was still fun to get out and do stuff in this bad weather. Um, yeah I just took an emode test that said my true color is blue. Sweet huh. Yeah, nothin else has really been happening. The weather is bad and probly gonna get worse. It should be ok in 2 weeks. I hope. I geuss thats alreally been playin DDR sweet. Meggie and Bobby and Jackie and Megs cousin might come and stay over here in later april. That will be fun. I went to a party last night it was cool. DT is a HUGE lightweight 4 beers and he was real real drunk. I had three and was buzzed so thats pretty bad he needs a tolerance cause he has NONE. It was fun though it was at one of his friends apartments in allston cool. ZZTOP's new album comes out april 15th ROCK'nROLL!!! I can't wait thats gonna be soooo cool. Thats pretty much it I'm tired so im gonna chill out and sleep now night night people.
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