One up... Several to go

Jun 08, 2006 14:56

#!/usr/bin/env perl
print "Hello, world";

Hello World!

Hms... Ok that was more then stupid...

Anyway, Week One in DC is almost over. And the recap is:

Saturday, left Atlanta by 7:30am, a little under 8.5 hours later I was at Shea & Smiity's. It was cool I got to see Kyle & Leslie, Lee, and Jim Blaylock.

Sunday, recoverd and had dinner with John and Diane. Diane made me her famous Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip cookies. MMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmssssssssssssss so good!!!!!

Monday - Worked and watched part of Game 1 of the Stanley Cup
Tuesday - Worked
Wednesday - Worked and watched Game 2 of the Stanley Cup. Bah I say... Oilers... Damn you!!!
Thursday - @ Work... 4 hours to go on my 10 hour training shift...

Friday will start my WEEKEND!!!
Need to get an apartment, new shoes, and a rent a Tux for K&L Wedding!!! Just because Leslie aint never seen me all styling!

I was talking to Brooke aka Monster yesterday, she said she could hear in my voice I was happier then before. And I am. Leaving RDS and making another big life move I think is good. Getting a place of my own will even help more. Getting things paid off and maybe getting some nice things will help. I think I need to finally nest abit...


Damnation when did I get to be ancient!!!
I remember when i was young and full of piss and vinger.

Oh well...

Anyway major goals...
- Learn job
- Do job well
- Relearn PERL
- Learn PHP
- Find a Russian intern @ their Consultant. Fall madly in love. Marry
- Work on long term gaming project

I think that is all I got...
If you read this and care, I am much more resposive then I have been for the last two years. So more then likely I will return emails and other forms of communuication.

And with that... I am out...
That is all, folks!!!
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