First off, I can't leave these kids alone for a week... and the entry for March 17th shows the results of said week gone.
Next for the bestest part of the post, the war! As it will prolly be long, rambly and disjointed I'll place behind said
Huzzah to war opening a day earlier than usual! Instead of a full day drive to set camp up Monday, camp was all set up by Sunday night so it was just a little weird not really having anything to do Monday (well, except drink...all I have to say is managing to drink from 10am to 1am or so is a new and interesting experince, and I came out of it w/out a scratch much to Baron Cruise-Control's displeasure. >^.^< Bwa ha ha). Michael and Gauge continue to awe me in their alcohol-alchemy in that they made bloody marys out of scary looking ketchup, spices, pickle juice and good vodka...and they were ace bloody marys too. Course, doesn't mean they didn't get the actual V8 when the town run was made. Monday was also a day Mateo sang at the new tavern that was built on site too if I remember correctly and I shot two rolls of high speed b&w film that after developing today looks like I got some good shots.
Tuesday I slack through the Trimarian tourney much as I do every year. Wandered merchants and FINALLY bought myself a Tgg'r Toggs doublet of my own! And it has sleeves too! ^_^ Snagged that, a new cane for myself and one for my entry into Arnaz's Ladies Challenge (which was very interesting). It was very cool getting to meet some of the other lady fighters out there and finding my kindred spirits, but also just a bit frustrating meeting those flip sides of the coin in the fighter that I just can't deal with..not ability-wise cause I mullywhumped her, but attitude-wise. I suppose for the bitchin' sweet fights I had with Arnaz and Illadore I can pay price of one bad fight.*shrugs*
That evening's Gold Schlagger night was delightful and fairly uneventful! Just a cool night of chillin' and following Michael and Gauge around as they retained for HRM AEsa. Yup, the retainers had a retainer.
Wednesday was watching the Rose Tourney. Bummer to Northshield not winning for the first time in 3 years. Ah well, always next year. Congrats to AEthelmark for being rockstars though! ^_^ That evening was Date Night/Midnight Madness and much wanderings. Also meandered over the the KW Rapier Party where we met up with Gauge and Illadore who from this point on I've decided is my sister from a different mother. ^_-
Thursday starts the stretch of early mornings with the Rose Tourney. 2 up and 2 down, but considering one of those losses was the monster that ate the rock-eating monsters of Northshield (read: Don Iago, Queen's Rapier Champion of Ansteorra and the guy who came in second in the tourney) I don't feel too badly on it. Of course it gets interesting after the tourney when on walking back into camp I find Michael sitting in his chair w/a Redfeather belt favor sitting on his shoulder. Err....oops. Michael: "Missing something?" Leona: Eh...does it have anything to do w/whats on your shoulder? Michael: "Maybe.." Leona: Is that one sewn up all the way? Michael: "Nope" Leona: *flush* Err, I'm gonna go put my stuff away now. *sighs* Apparently he found it strung up in Trimaris for some reason or another so his and Gauge's quest to get it back was to bring them three pieces of heraldry. Stipuations are they have to be from outside our group and kingdom (they later declare that Midrealm doesn't count either cause that's too easy).
Far be it for me to disappoint my dons. Bwa ha ha hahahahahhahahahahahahahahah.....tee hee, narf.
So it could be something like fighter unit banners or blingy bits, but I decided to shoot a little higher.
Piece the first: the banner of the heirs of AEthelmarc (thanks again for the hook up girl ^_-)
Piece the second: the cadets banner to the queen of Ansteorra (those things are like 20' monstrosities! I want some for us!!!)
Piece the third: the Trimarian king in his fighting tabbard after the field battle.
And I still don't have my bloody belt favor as Michael either lost it or packed it up. : p
This evening also finds us spending the better part of the evening hanging out at Desert Torch Tailoring since Gauge bought new clothes, Rosa tried on and bought a corset and I wound up trying on and having a corset purchased for me. ^_^ (Robert and Gauge went halfsies on it...I had the option of that or a pair of boots from Gauge and decided a good corset would serve me better than boots right now ^_- ) Let me tell you, it's absolutely delightful being told you wear a smaller corset than you think you're supposed to. And even more flattering that technically I should have a custom one since I need an extra two inches in the chest...heh hee, sweet! ^_-
Friday was the ravine battle, a new experience for sure. The completely outnumbered odds weren't that bad as they meant for loads of fighting and my only true unpleasantness came from the realization that I'm actually a very bad melee fighter. I'm only really effective when fighting with other Hounds. Throw me on a line with other random fighters and it just doesn't work. Oh yeah, I also don't like being held back by a blade from my own side when I'd rather advance and smite a line...that was less than pleasant too. Later that day was the champion's battle which I had the privlage to give warm-up fights to both Arnaz and Illadore, who both rockstar'ed their fights. (yeah i know arnaz was technically the other side, but she asked and it was a Cool Thing) Next bummer to Northshield was that Gauge was the only one out of four to carry his fight.>_< Grr... After the battles did some pickups (fought Gypsy Provost way too long name Connor for the first time and took a few ^_^) and played with Fiora, Cameron's new cadet, during her prize fights.
Saturday was the field where Northshield had one and one goal alone and that was to make sure her queen was the last person standing on the field and by god was that the case. Not only was she on the field with a great number of our forces, but our side took all three of the field battles! Right down to seeing Gauge as last man standing on the Grand Melee battle that the last one was (basically a everyone vs. everyone but ppl fight on their same side till all of one side is gone then it breaks down from there till last man standing). Other bits and pieces of Saturday are the packing, the saying goodbye -_-... the getting to sleep in real beds in cabins the last night of war since the royals left early and the already missing war.
Only 134 days to Pennsic ^_-