In surfing to kill time before done with work I found this amusing article not nannyblocked.
Top 11 Video Game Worlds You Do NOT Want to Live In.(I'll Readers Digest it cause it's point 5 that amused me the most)
11. The Sims World
10.City 17 (Half-Life 2)
9. generic Point-and-Click adventure world
8. Black and White World
7. Carmogeddeon World
6. Duke Nukem World
5. Any RPG World: You wake up bright and early and grab your sword. You decide to get the mail so you step outside and walk a step RANDOM ENCOUNTER!!!! Monsters coming out nowhere! You brandish your sword and vanquish your foes. Bruised and exhausted you take two more steps on your journey to get the mail RANDOM ENCOUNTER!!!! You get the picture here. Imagine a world where there are monsters everywhere that you can never see. This is a world that would breed paranoia. Never knowing when the attack is going to come. You don’t dare step outside town! They’re going to eat your face! Even if you get strong enough to take them down there will always be more and once a week some mega baddie will try and destroy the world.
4. Fallout World
3. Azeroth (most of the points of #5 but tack in factions and player v. player)
2. Zombie World
1. Second Life