Aug 06, 2009 10:42
Even if it's just in Word (yes I know...wheee~~) it's still type layout. And still looks better than what they originally had.
Want to be doing that, not my stacks of data entry today, rawr!
In annoying non-work news, my ears (mostly left) have been hurting just slightly inside which made for annoying practice last night. Hopefully those feel better soon.
Also, not last night but the night before Kuma made grilled salmon and soba noodles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /CHEER! This has become one of my favorite meals. Lately we've been experimenting to see what kind of fish I can eat. Seems to be all saltwater so far. Freshwater just tastes too fishy for me and that is what I do NOT like about it.
So far the tally is:
Cod, swordfish, salmon.
Still need to pick up some tilapia to try that. I hear it's good.