Today's photo: New Glasses!

Sep 10, 2014 22:01

Okay, so I'm pretty much sucking at posting a photo a day. At this point, I don't know that I'll ever manage to get caught up, but I'll probably still try.

Anyway, a few weeks ago, I had my annual eye exam and decided it was time to bite the bullet and get some glasses. I actually discussed it for a bit with my eye doctor, because it's just the one eye and, technically, I can still see well enough to drive. But I've been noticing that signs are a bit more blurry than I would like them to be when they're further out... so, we decided to go for it: a non-corrective lens for the left eye (the near-sighted eye) and some very slight correction for the right eye (the far-sighted eye).

I should mention that these are the first pair of glasses that I've had as an adult... So when I was picking out frames, I was looking for something with as little impact on my field of vision as possible. They had an employee whose only job is to deal with frames and after chatting with me for a bit, she pulled half a dozen or so off the wall for me and I started trying them on (I was actually really grateful for this, because otherwise it likely would have been much too overwhelming). There was this one pair that surprised me... I quite liked them, but wasn't sure about the color. I put them aside but kept coming back to them.

Finally, she commented on the fact that they seemed to be the ones I was gravitating towards... and I said, "Yeah... but they're pink!"

To which she replied, "No they're not! They're *coral*!"


So, yeah... I ended up with pinkcoral glasses. You really can't tell though, because they practically disappear into my face (they're frameless, so the only bits that are pinkcoral are the bridge and the arms). They're going to take some getting used to... as I said, I haven't worn glasses since I was a kid (my near-sighted eye and my far-sighted eye balance each other out and until now have worked just fine independently). I'm no longer getting weirded out when I catch sight of the bridge from the corner of my eye, at any rate. Thankfully, I only really want to wear them when I drive (although my eye doctor pointed out that they'll probably come in handy at concerts and plays, too).

So, here's my attempt at a selfie with the new glasses, using an actual camera.

photos 2014

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