Jul 29, 2014 15:35
Oof. So, I have 16 days of photos to catch up on... and on many of those days, I have several photos I want to share (we were in Yellowstone for a week and it would be a crime to just stop at sharing one photo a day!). We had very limited access while we were there (no cell coverage in Yellowstone and almost no coverage at the lodge where we were staying... in addition to sharing a connection that was only slightly faster than dialup with about 25 other people) and I was dealing with bronchitis, so I pretty much gave up on the idea of trying to update until we got back. And as I've discovered in the past, once you get behind, it seems like a daunting task to try to get current.
So, anyway, be prepared for picspam over the next day or so. I'll be putting all the photos behind cuts, so I'm hoping I don't clutter everyone's friendslists too badly!