11 July - Sick Day

Jul 12, 2014 22:02

Ugh. Not a good day. Spent most of it trying alternately to cough out my lungs and just get a little more oxygen into them. Bleh.

The view from my bed. )

photos 2014

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Comments 2

julia_here July 13 2014, 06:54:38 UTC
That 40 acre clearcut looks very Mondrian-ish, doesn't it? I'm not used to seeing checkerboard cuts anymore; Weyerhaeuser, DNR and USFS (There's almost no other timberlands around Thurston County anymore, it's all subdivisions) cut to preserve stream drainages in the Bald Hills and Black Hills, so they're more amoeba-like around here.

There is some nasty summer virus going around, I've had a sore throat and earache for a couple weeks now. Hope you feel better now.

Julia, failing once again to go to bed early.


davesmusictank July 13 2014, 09:58:04 UTC
That is the kind of view i wished i had from my bedroom


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