1 July - Elephant!

Jul 01, 2014 23:06

Yes!!! I am now officially caught up on photos again! Yay!!

For lunch today, I rode with my in-laws up to meet rackham and his brother at the main Microsoft campus so we could go to the Commons (which is sort of a private mall with mostly restaurants, just for Microsoft employees and guests). In one of the buildings, we ended up walking past this fine fellow, and I just had to grab a photo (and I'm really hoping I haven't posted one before... I'm fairly certain I haven't and I can't find one in my archives, but it keeps tickling the back of my brain that I might have).

Yep, it's an elephant statue... at very nearly full-size (or perhaps it is full-sized for a small-ish elephant). The detail is amazing and it's really quite beautiful. I have no idea what the story might be behind it, or why it's on display at Microsoft.

photos 2014

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