27 June - Changing bulbs

Jul 01, 2014 15:44

The light fixtures in the basement hall look nice, but have been designed so that it's weirdly difficult to change the bulbs... you practically have to take the things apart in order to get access to the bulbs. Also, they don't match any of the other fixtures in the house (as far as color and design), so odds are good we'll be replacing them eventually. For now, they work pretty well in that space... but the awkwardness combined with the fixtures being overhead does mean that Rackham has to be the one to change bulbs. Which in turn means we often get to a point where there are only one or two working bulbs in the whole hallway before they get replaced (if it's going to take that much effort, better to just do them all at once).

Here's rackham putting one of the fixtures back together after installing the new bulbs on Friday, in preparation for his parents visiting... this is right in front of the game alcove (which also houses the hardcover SF&F.

photos 2014

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