Quick Numfar story

May 13, 2014 09:13

No photo to go with this one, but it was too funny not to share. So, every morning, Numfar brings Mr. Mouse out through the kitchen to where we have the desks and drops him on the floor at my feet or behind me (singing the muffled song of her people the entire way). This morning, I heard her muffled "singing" and called out "Are you bringing Mr. ( Read more... )

mr mouse, numfar

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Comments 11

psubrat May 13 2014, 16:29:02 UTC
LOL! She just wanted to share her good fortune with Mr. Mouse. You big ol' meanie Mom! My Clancy used to carry around a large TY orange cat. He loved that thing. By the time Clancy passed, Mr. Cat was losing an arm, had seen many, many washings and I believe his beans were falling out despite the stitching. Miss Sophie doesn't care for those sorts of things. Oh, no. She's too far beyond that peasant-type stuff. She'd rather sit on her pillow and preen while telling the rest of us what she wants. :)


fenchurche May 13 2014, 19:19:48 UTC
We very recently managed to replace Mr. Mouse with a new one... the old one was so coated in cat spit and whatever else she'd managed to drag him through that it was getting pretty icky. It had actually been washed a time or two (which you're not supposed to do with Beanie Babies), because Numfar had apparently dropped him in the laundry hamper and we hadn't noticed when we loaded the washer (thankfully, we always spotted him before he made it into the dryer or he probably would have been toast).


nmissi May 13 2014, 16:36:36 UTC
Adorable story. Maybe she was giving him her treat, maybe she thought he'd like a nice bowl bath...


sistercuervo May 13 2014, 16:41:57 UTC
So cute! A first. i thought it was a real mouse. That Numfar, what a character.


ayinhara May 13 2014, 17:08:58 UTC


kazzy_cee May 13 2014, 17:20:15 UTC
She is adorable!


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