Photos! A geocache, a beautiful view and a cute cat

Apr 13, 2014 15:40

You know, I was doing so well. Last Sunday I got almost all the way caught up on posting these things and even had this photo prepped and ready to go... but it was late and I figured I'd just do it in the morning. Ha! I'm really hoping to catch up today and then keep up. I didn't mean this to be a once a week kind of thing! I'm putting practically everything under cuts, though, so as to spare my flist while I get things up to date.

Last Sunday's Photo - 6 April

It turned out to be a beautiful (and DRY!) day and we finally had the chance to go out and check on one of rackham's geocaches that had been reported missing. We hiked out to GZ and ended up finding the cache about ten feet from its intended hiding spot, sitting out in the open. *headdesk* I think people got too tied up looking for something based on the hint (he's since changed the hint to hopefully remove that obstacle). The cache had not been closed quite right and had apparently been sitting out in the open all winter long, so the contents were a bit wet. Here's a photo of everything spread out on a nearby log. We ended up drying off a few things, replacing the logbook and then hiding it back where it's supposed to go.

ETA: I realized I should point out that the cockroaches you can see off on the right there are *plastic*. Someone left them in the cache as a trade item.

Monday's Photo - 7 April

On Monday, I had the chance to go visit a woman from church, who lives out on the other side of the river (and several lakes) from me and I was just blown away by her view. For this shot, I'm actually standing in her front yard for and it was too beautiful not to share. The water there is a small tributary of the Snoqualmie River.

Tuesday's Photo - 8 April

I realized the other day that I've been posting lots of photos of Numfar and even some of Muerte, but haven't done any of Zoë for a bit. Here's how she looks most of the time... curled up on the chair between our two office chairs. And yeah, that's a Clone Trooper pillow case she's sleeping on.

photos 2014, cats, geocaching

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