April 2 - Numfar Loves High Places

Apr 06, 2014 10:26

It's always funny to watch Numfar when she's figuring something out... because you really can almost see the gears turning in her tiny kitty brain. She's actually rather fond of the piano... she likes to hop up and step on the keys and then stop to listen to the sound, until I go and pull her off. On Wednesday, though, she hopped on the piano ( Read more... )

photos 2014, cats, numfar

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Comments 11

enigmaticblues April 6 2014, 18:07:04 UTC
We have a similar ledge above our hallway closet, and I expect to see Natasha up there someday... Kitties are funny.


fenchurche April 6 2014, 20:58:24 UTC
We've learned not to leave the bi-fold door to the entryway closet open, because she leap from the railing above the stairs to the top of that door and then onto the ledge above the closet... which is really deep and makes it rather difficult to reach her if we want to get her down.


ext_2101665 April 6 2014, 19:05:42 UTC
Our elderly cat, Bear (she's at least 17), loves high places too. But she's getting rather creaky, and I *hate* it when she jumps down. I'm always sure she'll break something (on herself). We got her a very comfy cat bed, which up to four other cats at a time will use . . . but never Bear. She wants to sit on the top of the bathroom cupboards. If we put something up there to deter her, she either pushes it off or wraps herself around it.


curiouswombat April 6 2014, 19:33:39 UTC
Cats do love a high ledge, don't they?


fenchurche April 6 2014, 21:02:13 UTC
Numfar is our most extreme height-loving cat. The others have always been content to just find a relatively easy to reach shelf to sit on, but she's got to be as high up as she can reach... and she's remarkably good at problem solving, so she's found tricky ways to get where she wants

The funny thing is that Zoë is absolutely terrified of heights. Here in the new house there's a ledge that runs along the wall above the stairs to the basement that starts at a reasonable height but toward the far end become rather high... and she's recently gotten brave enough to walk out along it to the far end (she likes the acoustics there for singing the song of her people). But if you try to pet her while she's there, she will plaster herself like glue to the wall... as if she thinks at any moment you'll pull her off the ledge to her doom.


petzipellepingo April 6 2014, 20:06:59 UTC
"nods" They all love to get up as high as they can. At my house, that's the plate rack, the top of the built-ins or the small stained glass windows.

... )


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fenchurche April 6 2014, 20:56:56 UTC
I'm actually not too worried about her getting to this spot... which is why I haven't tried putting anything up to block her. The kitchen one is a bit of a worry because she doesn't just stay on the cabinet on that side of the room, but will leap across about five feet to the cabinet on the other side of the room and I'm just a teensy bit worried I'll come home one day to find a paralyzed kitty lying on the floor. We're thinking of putting something on the edge of the cabinet that she jumps to in the hopes of deterring her in the future and then just letting her get up on the cabinets on the side of the room with the fridge. There's actually a little platform area that overlooks my desk and she really does love sitting up there to watch me.

What's really funny is that our other cat is absolutely petrified of heights.


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