Zoë's Special Sleeping Spot

Feb 23, 2014 19:59

Years ago, I picked up a rather comfy office chair at the Boeing Surplus store and it served as my chair for quite awhile, until we finally replaced it with a nicer, new model... at which point, it became the guest chair in the office. When Zoë came to live with us, she picked it as one of her favorite spots to sit and I'd always assumed it was ( Read more... )

photos 2014, cats

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Comments 3

shakatany February 24 2014, 05:06:16 UTC
Well it definitely is her chair *grin*



kazzy_cee February 24 2014, 07:18:58 UTC
There's one thing you can definitely say about cats - they are creatures of habit :) Hope you feel better soon.


jedihealer February 28 2014, 20:03:30 UTC
Awe, so cute.


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