Numfar and the Bendy Straw

Jan 21, 2014 17:43

Last year, when we were still in the old house, I was getting something out of one of the storage cupboards in the laundry room when a bag of bendy straws fell out. It happened to be open and the straws scattered all over the floor, making that rather distinctive noise you get when plastic straws hit a solid, flat surface... and Numfar came ( Read more... )

photos 2014, cats, numfar

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Comments 14

sp23 January 22 2014, 01:52:07 UTC
LOL, I thought my TJ was the only fetch playing cat. I can't imagine those straws fly very far when you toss them. :-)


fenchurche January 22 2014, 01:55:47 UTC
No, they don't... the sparkly balls are much better for it, but she's gotten pretty obsessed with the straws. She actually started playing fetch all on her own. When we first got her, I would play with her with one of her stick toys (a long strip of furry fabric attached to a stick) while sitting at my desk... and she would play and play and play until my arm felt like it was going to fall off. So one day, in frustration, I tossed the stick toy across the room, figuring that would take care of it, then got a bit of a shock when she brought it back, hopped on the back of my chair and dropped it on my head. For the longest time, the dropping on the head part was integral to the process, but I've at least managed to train her out of that. Fetch is probably her favorite game, though.


sp23 January 22 2014, 13:49:00 UTC
When I'm reading in bed, TJ will bring drop one of his toys on the bed beside me and then stare at me until I throw it out the door into the hall. LOL


susandennis January 22 2014, 02:26:35 UTC
What a great idea!! I'm going to get my cat some bendy straws. I'll bet she'd love them. She's all out of the Christmas candy (with the oh so captivating twisty ends). Thanks!


nutmeg3 January 22 2014, 02:35:49 UTC
That's so cute! Cats playing fetch are the best anyway, because it's so unexpected.


kita0610 January 22 2014, 02:39:24 UTC
Ohhhh love.


dm_lunsford January 22 2014, 02:55:00 UTC
I'm always amazed how cats can become so enamored with what is, basically, trash for toys.


fenchurche January 22 2014, 03:49:15 UTC
I know! Right now we've got two boxes and a bag that get to sit around cluttering up our floors, simply because the cats love them so much. Zoë is very proprietary about the boxes, but Numfar is absolutely in love with this one bag. She'll sit in it, herself, but also seems to like it as a holding area for her toys... she'll bring them from all around the house just to stick in the bag.


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