The Shield and the Puddlejumper - The Grand Finale!

Jan 31, 2009 11:06

The Shield and the Puddlejumper - Chapter 8 - The Grand Finale!

Many thanks to all who have read and commented so far - you make it all worthwhile!

This was beta’d and improved by Goddess47, who is simply the best, and it was written for Rieval’s birthday.


The Gate Room was decked out in flowers and lights and there were chairs placed all around, with people dressed in their very best, seated and speculating.

The preparations had been hampered somewhat by Atlantis. She had refused to light up properly and, in the end, they had had to call for the Prince himself to remonstrate with her and persuade her to allow the lights.

The Prince arrived on time, with Sir Ronon in tow, and everyone stood and bowed as he walked by. He walked stiffly and proudly towards the balcony, where the wedding would take place, not even looking at the people he passed. It was clear that Prince John was taking the whole thing very seriously and the guests were impressed.  Until now, he had had a reputation for a lackadaisical style and a less-than-formal demeanor but he looked very regal as he made his way steadily through the city. The whole story of the Ball and then the subsequent search for the Noble Meredith, had caught the people’s imagination and the fact that the Prince was now marrying meant that this must be a love match, which was far more interesting than a purely political one.

The Bride’s party arrived next and they all made their way up the balcony where they would be able to witness the ceremony. On John’s side there was only Elizabeth and his cousin, the Duke of Kavanagh and there was a whole rigmarole of bowing and greeting going on but John did not turn to look. His eyes remained trained on the beautiful chandelier in the middle of the enormous Gate Room.

There was music playing, and again, Atlantis was being difficult. John suddenly stiffened as he realized that she was playing his Johnny Cash song and he mentally begged her to stop. Even John couldn’t persuade her to lower the temperature and everyone already congregated was sweating horribly.

At the time appointed, exactly, the Gate started locking onto symbols and everyone was silent, waiting for the bride, wondering what she would be wearing and waiting to see just how beautiful she really was.

First through were the Royal Guard of The Tower, wearing ceremonial armor and taking up position on either side of the steps that led up to the Gate.

Next through were the family members of the Tower’s royal family and higher members of the Court. They were dressed in fancy dresses with ribbons and bows and there was movement in the congregation as their mode of dress was dissected. Some were laughing and some were admiring but everyone was waiting for the bride.

The fanfare announced her arrival and her brother, the Lord Protector Tavius, held her hand as she stepped through the Gate.

She was beautiful. She had long blonde hair that tumbled down her back, pinned back with jeweled combs and blue eyes that sparkled. Her lips were crystal pink and her cheeks were high-boned and sculptured.

It was hard to tell the shape of the Princess’s body as it was draped in a dress that puffed out at the sleeves, at waist and around her breasts. She wore a deep pink with pale pink ribbons and pink sapphires and she walked in a stately fashion, a bright smile on her face as she graciously accepted the bows and curtseys of the congregation.

Ronon saw all of this but he also saw the Prince. He saw that the Prince did not look at his bride. He didn’t react either in pleasure or in sorrow, he just waited solemnly, like a man facing his death. He also wondered why no one had told the bride that her fiancé preferred blue. Actually, Prince John seriously detested pink but he didn’t seem to care right now.

Ronon hated being so helpless. He was a man of action and he would have followed John in an endless quest around the Galaxy to help him find his soul-mate but the Prince had bowed to Duty and was waiting in misery now.

The pink Princess was ascending the stairs now, held back a little by her heavy train and the millions of pearls and pink sapphires sewn into it. Her brother was truly supporting her now and Ronon allowed himself a small smile at the ridiculous lengths the girl had gone to, just to attend a wedding - even if she was the bride! At least he knew that the girl fancied the Prince.

Ronon had to grasp the Prince’s elbow when she finally made it to the balcony, otherwise he would still have been waiting, facing the chandelier.

Prince John bowed to his future brother-in-law, then to his bride, while his bride bowed to Elizabeth and then to her groom. Woolsey stepped forward and began his long speech of welcome, while the Duke of Kavanaugh watched the bride with jealousy.

There was a musical thud and then a second. Everyone turned to look at the Gate, which had sprung to life again and was registering three more symbols, then a sixth. The Gate rippled into life and whooshed, the lights suddenly lit up brightly, the music changed to a far less stately anthem and the oppressive heat lessened - a  gentle, lightly perfumed breeze wafted through the over-filled rooms and a lone figure stepped through the Gate.

He wasn’t disguised this time. He wore the same clothes, the same full skirted jacket, the same pale blue pants, the same embroidered shirt but this time there was no hiding, even though he wore the little blue shield openly and lit.

John turned along with everyone else, and was the first to move after the initial shock. He dropped his bride’s hand and ran to the steps. Half way down the staircase he stopped being careful and took the steps two at a time, jumping down the last few. Then, he stopped, checked and then cried out.


There was a gasp as John ran to his beloved and the new arrival stopped him.

“You know, I really hate that name,” Rodney groused, with a smile.

John laughed for what felt like the first time in years. “Your pardon… Rodney.”

Then he bent and kissed Rodney in front of everyone.

On the balcony, Mara of the Tower looked on in astonishment, and then, overcome with heat and heavy clothing, she fainted.


Politically speaking, it was a disaster but John had just kissed Meredith… or whatever he was called, in front of everyone… not just the court this time but everyone!

“This will mean war!” Woolsey stated tremulously.

“I know!” Elizabeth ground out, wringing her hands. “Think, Richard! Think!”

“He can’t marry him, Ma’am!”

“I know!”

“The succession… the shame… the poor bride…”


The guests from the Tower were bunched together, obviously discussing what could be done and a strange, dark-haired man with a funny accent, broke between the Regent and the Chamberlain.

“Ye do realize that the answer’s staring at ye!”

“I beg your pardon?” Elizabeth demanded regally.

“Well, look over there!” Carson pointed.

Woolsey and Elizabeth looked over at the scene on the balcony, where the Duke of Kavanaugh was supporting the Princess Mara.

“Oh c…!” Woolsey just avoided swearing.

“No… wait!” Elizabeth suddenly saw what the strange man was pointing out and she moved over to the over-dressed people. “Kavanaugh?”

“Aunt Elizabeth?”The duke looked up reluctantly from the lady he was holding.

“Do you… are you…?” The Regent waved her hand vaguely between the two of them.

“Oh yes!” Kavanaugh enthused. “Isn’t she amazing?”

“No… you are the amazing one!” Mara blushed.


“Oh yes, anything!” Kavanaugh pleaded and then he drew the Princess towards him and they kissed.

Woolsey managed a very sedate and almost unseen ‘Yes!’ and then he put on his diplomat’s face and went over to stand by the Regent, who was now approaching Lord Tavius and his own Chamberlain, Lord Otho.

“Your Highness…” Elizabeth bowed. “This is an unfortunate event but… well, these things have a habit of turning out right in the end. You do realize, I hope, that your sister’s marriage to the Duke of Kavanaugh would leave her in the same position as if she had married Prince John?”

“Him? How can Mara marrying him be helpful?” Lord Tavius demanded, skeptically.

“Your Highness forgets that the Duke is the next in line to the throne of Pegasus,” Lord Otho told the Lord Protector. “Should the marriage between the Prince and this… Meredith go ahead, their children, should they have any, will have to fight for the succession.”

“Oh!” Tavius nodded, smiling happily (and a bit stupidly, Woolsey thought). “Oh, OK then. They can come to us then. We can do a wedding at home, can’t we?”

“Of course, Highness.” Otho smiled and bowed. “I shall inform the Princess of your decision.”

“Do we get to eat now?” Tavius asked.


This wedding was a far lovelier affair. Prince John was wearing the same clothes but his very apparent joy made him look devastatingly handsome.

When the trumpets sounded to announce the arrival of his Consort-to-be, John kept his eyes trained on the Chamberlain, not yet ready to see Rodney.

The first people through the gate were Kolya and his children. They waltzed in as though this was a ceremony for them but barely anyone took any notice of them. They climbed the stairs to the balcony and then waited while the orchestra changed their tune to the Bridal Voluntary… a piece that had been used by every Prince of Atlantis for this occasion since the Ancestors themselves lived in the city. It was the one that Atlantis had completely refused to play for the original occasion.

Rodney appeared, dressed in blue, standing alone on the platform and John couldn’t help turning to look. For a moment, Rodney looked overwhelmed by the faces turned towards him and the small bows that people gave him. Then he looked up and John and Rodney’s eyes met.

From that moment, Rodney was transformed from a minor Noble to a worthy Consort. His face lit up and his smile was so wide that it hid the slope on the left side of his mouth. His head came up and he advanced, down the first few steps and then up the grand staircase, heading towards his fiancé.

John felt a little sad that Rodney had no one to stand up for him but then something extraordinary happened. A bright white light appeared on the stairs next to Rodney, and it flared beautifully, before picking up a few colours… yellow, blue, black… The light then dimmed a little and suddenly the bright thing came into focus.

It was a man. It was the same man who had popped up at the disturbance of the first wedding. He had dark black hair and bright blue eyes, he wore the costume of the Ancients (which John privately thought looked a little like pajamas) and he grinned at Rodney. Rodney flung his arms around him and spoke quietly but the Ancient looked around and took Rodney’s arm, leading him up to the balcony.

At the top Rodney bowed to Elizabeth and then to John, then Woolsey spoke, using a highly edited version of his speech of welcome.

“My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Atlantis on this most joyous occasion! We are here to witness the marriage of Prince John Patrick Sheppard, Crown Prince of Atlantis and Lord Meredith Rodney McKay-Kolya of Canada. Who stands for Prince John?”

“I do!” Sir Ronon, dressed in very fine clothes and looking quite tame, stepped forward.

“Who are you?”

“I am… Sir Ronon Dex, the Prince’s Companion at arms.”

“Is the Prince free to marry this man?”

“He is.” Ronon agreed, then stepped back.

“Who stands for Lord Meredith?”

There was a hush at this moment as everyone strained hear who this mysterious Ancient was.

“I do.”

“Who are you?” Lord Woolsey asked, seriously wishing to know.

“I am Dr Carson Beckett of Atlantis, an Alteran… whom you refer to as the Ancestors. I am Lord Meredith’s Godfather.”

It took a few moments for the rumbling chat to die down.

“Is Lord Meredith free to marry this man?” Woolsey went back to the script.

“He is,” Carson affirmed.

After that the ceremony went according to ancient protocol. Each swore to love each other until death, each swore to be there for each other in times of hardship as well as good times and so on. They each gave each other a plain gold ring for their ring fingers and then, hand in hand, they went to kneel before The Lady Regent, Elizabeth.

“Be it known,” Elizabeth announced, “That the Council of Atlantis give their blessing to this union. I now pronounce John Patrick Sheppard and Meredith Rodney, Prince and Consort of Atlantis!”

This was the signal for everyone to cheer and Elizabeth took a hand from each man and raised him up. Then she joined their hands and whispered something. John led Rodney to the front of the balcony, where he conformed to tradition and kissed his new Consort.

Finally, with all the cheering going on, the couple had a moment to speak to each other.

“You look amazing!” John enthused, still not quite believing that Rodney was now his, forever.

“You always look amazing, John,” Rodney blushed.

“You will be such a fine Consort.”

“Of course, I’m a genius!” Rodney grinned and then John kissed him again but this time they both giggled and John brought Rodney into his arms.

“I love you so much,” Rodney sighed, resting his head on his husband’s shoulder.

“I love you too,” John answered, pulling his husband even closer.

“My Lords?” John and Rodney pulled away a little and turned to Lord Woolsey, who was rolling his eyes affectionately. “May we proceed?”

John grinned and Rodney raised his eyes heavenward but now they came to the really important part.

As the trumpets called the tune, the orchestra started playing the March to the Throne Room and John held Rodney’s hand and led him down the corridor.

They were followed by all the guests who crammed behind them into the throne room to witness this, the truly solemn and imperative ceremony.

John and Rodney stood before the Lady Regent and the Lord Chamberlain. Both were wearing their chains of office and on a table nearby, there lay another thick gold chain with jewels and a large pendant that looked just like Rodney’s shield.

“Prince John Patrick Sheppard, do you swear to uphold the laws of Atlantis?” The Lady Regent, Elizabeth of Atlantis demanded.

“I do,” John replied, solemnly.

“Do you swear to listen to the wishes of the Council before all decisions you may make ?”

“I do.”

“Do you swear to protect your people and the people of the Galaxy to the uttermost extent of you ability?”

“I do.”

At this, Elizabeth picked up the heavy Chain and carefully placed it over John's head. This was the symbol of power in Atlantis and it flashed brightly as John connected with it, before dimming down to leave, what looked like a large sapphire hanging from the Chain.

After this, Elizabeth turned to Rodney. “Lord Consort, Meredith Rodney, do you swear to uphold the laws of Atlantis?”

“I do.”

“Do you swear to listen to the wishes of the Council before all decisions you make?”

“I do.”

“Do you swear to protect your people and the people of the Galaxy to the uttermost extent of you ability?”

“I do.”

“Then, by the will of the Council and with my blessing, I pronounce you King and Prince Consort of Atlantis. All Hail King John!” Elizabeth proclaimed, giving Rodney's hand to John asa symbol of their union.

Everyone shouted back, “All Hail King John!”

Then Elizabeth led the second shout, “All Hail Prince Meredith!”

Then everyone knelt, some more stiffly than others, and even Rodney bowed to the King, who held out his hand and led his husband to the dais where the Chair waited.

As soon as he seated himself, John knew that all was well. Atlantis was happy and as he tipped himself back in the chair, it lit up a bright blue.

Rodney took his husband’s hand and said,

“Think of where we are in the universe.”

Immediately a full map of stars and planets appeared over the chair and everyone sighed with relief as they stood once more.

“Did I do that?” John asked during the scuffling.

“Yes.” Rodney grinned and they both watched the stars dance.

Atlantis had given her blessing to the Royal Couple. The King was the man with the strongest gene and the nearest to an actual Ancient that this Galaxy possessed, while his Consort was the sort of man who could find ingenious solutions to all kinds of problems, who could direct the King in his use of the technology and who would love and support his husband forever.

Although they didn’t know it, this union marked the beginning of a long era of peace and prosperity but for now John and Rodney sat together and watched the stars, knowing that this was how it was meant to be.

The End (and I guess they all lived Happily Ever After!)

Links to other SGA Fairytale Fic

the shield and the puddlejumper, fairy tale fic, mcshep

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