The Bribe Book 2 - Part Three

Jul 15, 2010 00:01

The Bribe, Book Two

Author : Fenchurch

Warnings: Slavefic so NC-17

Beta: My own Goddess47 to whom be all thanks and praise.


Story so far…

Rodney made one big mistake in his life; one that nearly cost the life of a member of SG-1, and he is now a slave. He was offered to Major John Sheppard as a bribe to influence his decision to go to Atlantis,  Sheppard accepted him because he thought Rodney needed saving. In the run up to departure Sheppard has learned that slave ownership is not as easy as it looks!


Chapter 3

John was feeling more than tired by the time he reached the room he had been temporarily assigned. There hadn’t been even nearly enough alcohol for any kind of buzz or even relief and he really needed to wind down.

Rodney was following him and as he stepped into the tiny room he placed the bags he had been carrying onto the floor and began to unroll the mat he had been carrying. It was a camping mat that soldiers took into the field with them and John knew that Rodney had slept on mats like this before, but he also knew that on the hard smooth floor of the storage room he had been housed in, it would be less than comfortable.

“I’m sorry Master.”

“Hm?” John asked absently, noting that Rodney was still kneeling by the mat with the sleeping bag now spread out on top.

“I could only get one mat for you. It’ll be very hard,” Rodney grimaced at the arrangement and started to blow up an inflatable pillow.

“Where will you sleep?” John asked, annoyed that he hadn’t given the matter any thought.

“I’m used to the floor,” Rodney shrugged. “I got a blanket though!” He held up an olive green square of wool.

“Oh... good... I guess. Have we found any bathrooms yet?”

“Yes Master, they’re three doors down and... er communal. Shall I show you?” Rodney blushed.

John grinned. “Communal? Let’s leave it till tomorrow morning then. I’ve had a hell of a day.”

Rodney’s face grew immediately serious. “I’m sorry about the Colonel, Master.”

“You liked him?” John asked astonished.

“No! But his death... you had to shoot him and now... now you’re in charge. You must be...” Rodney shrugged, apparently unable to express what John ‘must be’. John wasn’t sure how he felt either. Mostly he felt tired. He sat on the mat and reached for his boots, but discovered that Rodney was there first.

It felt good to have his boots off and then he was helped out of his shirt too. Rodney worked quietly and was showing concern, so John smiled and relaxed.

Then he felt hands at his pants, unfastening them and...


Rodney stopped what he was doing and looked up questioningly.

“I thought... you look like you need... I’m sorry Master.” Rodney’s eyes fixed on the floor and he moved his hands away from John’s more than interested body parts.

“You don’t have to... you know,” John grimaced. “I don’t expect you to serve me like that.”

“Would it make a difference if I... I really wanted to?” Rodney asked tentatively.

“Excuse me?”

“May I...?” Rodney asked quietly, moving closer to John.

“No!” John interrupted and Rodney sprang away, fear showing on his expressive face. John grasped his slave’s shoulder, stopping him before he could go beyond the point of no return, and tried to reassure him, huffing out a breath of frustration. It was sometimes so hard to deal with Rodney, trying to improve the slave’s life and deal with his own at the same time. “No, I’m sorry Rodney, I just... I shouldn’t have used you before. I should never have let you... it was wrong when you don’t have a choice...”

“Master...” Rodney dared to interrupt and his expression was determined. “I want to. You’ve had a hard day and you need this.”

“Seriously?” John asked in a strangled voice while his cock registered its approval.

“Seriously,” Rodney nodded and John... well, he was only human. Who the hell turns down a blowjob anyway?

Eagerly, Rodney reached out again. The angle was difficult with John sitting on a mat that may as well have been the floor, but Rodney was undeterred. He began with his hands, enclosing John’s enthusiastic erection and squeezing gently, causing John to moan at the sparks that ran up and down his body. Then Rodney pulled and caressed, making John shiver. His slave was evidently enjoying himself and John tried to remember why he shouldn’t be enjoying this...

“Oh God!” John suddenly cried out as Rodney bent his head and the tip of John’s cock was encased in wet and warm, while blue, excited eyes looked up at him. Rodney bobbed his head down and John grappled for something to hold onto. The mat just wasn’t substantial enough, so he grasped Rodney’s shoulders instead and groaned as Rodney took his whole length into his mouth.

Then there was sucking... oh God! Warm, wet, suction... chill... Rodney had pulled off and was grinning up at his Master.

“Bastard!” John ground out. “Don’t tease!”

“Yes Master!” Rodney replied cheekily and then dipped again and there... there was paradise! John found himself slipping backwards until he laid back on his mat and Rodney went with him, accommodating his Master’s movements and still applying warmth and suction. Then he added hands and John felt his balls being tickled, fondled. It was all building up and building up until...

“Rodney! I’m going to...” and then he did... into Rodney’s eager mouth.

In a daze, and vaguely aware that Rodney was still dressed, John pulled at Rodney and dragged him onto the narrow mat, pulling him into his arms and making him rest his head on his Master’s shoulder. John was too tired to think and managed only to whisper ‘thank you’, before he was falling asleep, lights apparently dimming themselves as he relaxed.

 Part Four

Author's note - sorry for the delay in posting. I've had my Mum and Dad here doing some babysitting for me before the end of term and... well, it's just hard to write porn when your Mum may, at any moment, ask you what you're doing... [blush!].

the bribe, mcshep

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