The Bribe - Part Twenty-One

Aug 13, 2009 22:10

The Bribe - Part Twenty-One
Author: Fenchurch
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay

Beta’d and improved muchly, especially near the end, by my Goddess47.

This chapter’s a little bit more… raunchy! The POV changes a bit between our two heroes - in spite of my Goddess's good work...!

Part Twenty-One



Throughout lunch, Rodney worried about this ‘training’ that he would have to endure. Up to now, training had involved he and his Master agreeing to certain signals and then practising them, before giving up in boredom and settling in to watch a DVD. This time, however, there had been that strange look on his Master’s face as he pronounced the word, and Rodney had no idea what that meant.

So he knelt and ate automatically, his leash still attached and the other end looped over the back of the Major’s chair.

Then Dr Weir arrived.

Rodney had seen Dr Weir in passing before and had heard all kinds of stories about her amazing prowess in the field of diplomacy, her enthusiasm for the Atlantis Mission and her determination to make sure that everything went her way… always. She seemed very ladylike in her bearing and she wore the ring of a member of the Nobility, so Rodney bowed low as she took a seat opposite his Master.

Dr Weir smiled at his Master and then asked if he would allow his slave to kneel up, at which his Master chuckled and said “Up!”, and Rodney found himself being scrutinized by the beautiful Lady.

“How can I help you, Ma’am?”

“Well, you can call me Elizabeth rather than ‘Ma’am’ for starters!” Dr Weir grinned. “I’ve never cared for that term of address - it makes me feel old.”

“I should probably call you ‘My Lady’,” his Master suggested, nodding at the Mission Leader’s ring.

“Given your own rank, I rather think not!” the Lady responded and Rodney tried not to show his surprise. His Master was a Noble? Seriously? He didn’t live like one… and yet he really did have the bearing and manners of a Senatorial brat. “How are you getting along with training your slave?”

“He’s too intelligent to need much training, but we are going to have a long session this afternoon. He has had a few problems with some Scientists and I have promised to deal with him,” John spoke seriously.

Dr Weir nodded, “That sounds excellent. I would like to see you put him through his paces… maybe tomorrow after the Senior Staff meeting?”

“If you deem it necessary, Elizabeth. Are we any closer to setting an actual date for leaving?” John asked in open curiosity.

“That’s what the meeting is about tomorrow!” Dr Weir’s smile became a wide and enthusiastic grin. “Dr Zelenka has the ZPM casing and convertor finished.” Rodney managed not to react to his work being credited to someone else - it happened a lot these days. “And Daniel Jackson-O’Neill has finally admitted that he has all the information available, so I am hoping that this is it and we can finally leave! I’ve been packed for two weeks now!”

The Major’s grin was not as wide as the Doctor’s, but he still sounded happy when he responded. “I really hate waiting around and going to endless meetings about nothing much. I may have to strangle someone if I have to listen to any more listings of equipment!”

“Speaking of which… I’m told you haven’t picked up your equipment pack for your slave. Colonel Sumner is checking up on you, so I’d suggest you do it this afternoon,” Dr Weir hinted.

“Thanks for the tip, Elizabeth. He… he doesn’t like me much,” the Major confided.

“I’m not sure that Colonel Sumner likes anyone who isn’t a Marine,” the Lady answered as reassuringly as she could. “He actually spoke out against my appointment on the grounds that I wasn’t experienced enough, but Sir Richard Woolsey accused him of trying to make the operation Military instead of Scientific and no more was said.”

“I’m surprised he was appointed as CO,” Rodney’s Master lowered his voice and Rodney found himself scouring the surrounding area to see if anyone was listening in, feeling very protective of his Master. “He seems a bit… inflexible.”

“He’s brave and tough and I think he was chosen because he is so Military-minded. He is a good counterbalance to my more diplomatic approach… but I agree and I hope that we will be able to work together without me having to pull rank too much.” Rodney wondered if that was a flicker of uncertainty on the Leader’s face, but he knew how terrible he was at reading people, so he didn’t mull on it.

There was a slight tug on Rodney’s leash and he realized that his Master had looped the end around his hand in preparation for leaving. Rodney wrapped the Muffin in a napkin and then stood up, taking the trays again while his Master took leave of the Lady.

Outside the Mess, the Major halted and faced his slave.

“I have a couple of errands to run, but you will go straight to our room and wait there. Get things ready for a shower and then loop the end of your leash around the chair and wait. Understood?”

“Yes Master,” Rodney replied, not looking up at his Master in case he saw anger there.

“We have some training to complete,” his Master continued in a much lower and more menacing voice and Rodney shivered.


This was it. Rodney knelt by the chair and waited, thoughts whirling around his head and making him feel dizzy with fear and anticipation. This was where his Master finally took him in hand and broke him. He had been waiting for the other shoe to drop and now it was poised and ready. Rodney knew that it would hurt and he knew that it would make him different and more obedient, but it would hurt doubly that the pain and humiliation would come from his beloved Master’s hands.

His Master had treated him so far with such kindness and gentleness that Rodney knew that he was at least half in love with the man who owned him. It had been decades since some slave psychologist had announced that Stockholm Syndrome applied to abused slaves as well as kidnap victims and Rodney thought that he probably qualified, but it didn’t change the way he felt about his owner.

Not that it mattered. Being in love with your Master just meant that you would serve him better. It didn’t mean that there was any obligation on the Master’s part to reciprocate, or even like his slave. The Major could punish and abuse at will, or reward and spoil if he wished and Rodney would take it and be grateful.

The only time his Master had touched him in any way that was sexual had been that occasion in the shower that still brought Rodney out in goosebumps when he remembered it. It had been wonderful and sublime and he wanted more experiences like that, but his Master had called this coming session ‘Training’ and that would involve pain and humiliation and…

The door opened and his Master entered, carrying a small duffle bag, which he threw on the bed. Rodney shivered on recognizing that particular style of bag, but bowed his head to the floor in greeting. His Master turned and looked at him, drawing in a breath that sounded startled.

“Up!” his Master commanded and Rodney knelt up, not daring to look at his Master’s face.

Suddenly his Master’s face was all he could look at. The Major lifted his chin and made him look up to see that he was crouched down at his slave’s level.

“Rodney? You’re not in trouble. None of that scene with those Scientists was your fault and I am not going to punish you,” the Major explained patiently.

Rodney just gaped at his Master and wondered how he could possibly have escaped retribution.

“There are people in the world who delight in picking on those who are helpless and those three fall into that category. I made them think that I would be dealing with you so they would go away, but this is about pleasure, not pain. I called it ‘Training’ so I could get the afternoon off!”

Rodney couldn’t help responding to the smug expression on his Master’s face and he grinned back.

“Now, I’m going to remove this leash and then you are going to take off all your clothes, while I watch!” The Major’s eyes were shining with enthusiasm as he leaned forward and unclipped the leash, so Rodney struggled to keep the happy expression on his face. Stripping and revealing the un-toned and pale flesh that covered his weedy body was really not his favorite activity, but he had been commanded by his owner, so he dutifully stood and unzipped his suit.

John watched. He couldn’t help but enjoy the spectacle of watching his slave remove his clothes. He also couldn’t help the added frisson gained through the knowledge that he had commanded this, that he owned the flesh that was being revealed. It made him growl to see the marks that were not placed on his slave’s back by himself, and he hated that the man’s body was too thin, but he liked what he could see and certain parts of his anatomy agreed whole heartedly.

It didn’t take long for Rodney to be kneeling in front of him wearing nothing but the collar that John had put on him. John smiled and stood, ready to inspect, and Rodney’s dick suddenly got with the program, causing Rodney to blush and John to chuckle.

John brushed his hand through Rodney’s hair, enjoying the newly-washed softness, then he trailed his hand down Rodney’s cheek, cupping the man’s chin and pulling upwards so that those beautiful blue eyes were looking up into his own hazel ones.

“Lovely!” John murmured appreciatively, refusing to allow Rodney to look down and enjoying the blush on his slave’s cheeks.

John then released Rodney’s chin and slid his hand down his slave’s neck to finger the chain that rested there. He thumbed the disk that hung there and felt a thrill of possession run through his body - mine!

Abruptly, he released Rodney and stood up.

“Undress me!” John commanded and was startled when Rodney leaped to his feet to obey, at a speed almost faster than light.

What happened next would remain in John’s memory for a very long time.

Rodney didn’t just remove his Master’s uniform, he seduced the Major while doing it. With care and reverence, he slid the zipper down his Master’s front, revealing the black tee-shirt underneath slowly, inch by inch. When the zipper had reached his Master’s waist, he inserted his hands underneath, lightly smoothing over the material-covered chest and pulling the uniform away. His hands reached his Master’s firm shoulders and they brushed over them, pulling the uniform over the arms.

It could have been a humdrum experience, but the look of awe on his slave’s face as he revealed the tee-shirt underneath was making John shiver all over and his pants felt unbearably tight.

Rodney moved swiftly around to his Master’s back and pulled the uniform so gently it became sensual and finally John was released from the restriction on the top of his body. The jacket was laid carefully to one side and then those hands were back, smoothing all over the tee-shirt that was left and forcing John to breathe heavily and close his eyes, dropping his head forward, gasping.

Suddenly those clever hands were underneath his tee-shirt and John thought he would come right there and then! They were caressing his body under the shirt, touching lightly and yet without actually tickling, feeling his all over and running through the thick hair on his chest. Then once again, the hands reached his shoulders and he found himself compliantly lifting his arms up, raising his head and letting the tee-shirt leave his sweating, shaking body.

There was a constant murmur going on in the background and it took a few moments of concentration to realize that the words were coming from himself. John was repeating over and over again. “Oh God! Oh God! Oh shit! Oh God!”

He couldn’t help it. John had to react somehow, so he grabbed his slave and pulled them together, wrapping his arms around Rodney’s body and burying his head in his slave’s shoulder. Rodney’s arms were trapped between their bodies, but he didn’t struggle and John breathed in the clean scent of his slave’s neck and tried to control himself.

When he was ready, he stepped back and looked down into his slave’s face. What he saw there made John grin. Rodney’s face was split in the widest smile John had ever seen and John just pulled Rodney’s head down until it was lightly crushed against his shoulder. Emotion zinged between them and John knew that this was right… this was good and it was going to get better!

When he was ready, John released his slave and, when Rodney looked up for permission, he nodded sharply. Rodney then knelt down and John felt his arousal go up another, previously unrecorded, notch.

Rodney first undid his Master’s boots all the way, guiding him to sit and then pulling off both boots and socks, before inviting his Master to stand again so he could get to the best bit.

Rodney’s fingers were trembling as he reached for the button on his Master’s pants and it took two attempts to release the offending button. Then he pulled on the zipper. His intention had been to go slowly, but gravity and some kind of kinetic energy forced the zipper down and, before he had even registered what he was doing, Rodney hands were around his Master’s waist and tugging gently at the waistband, digging for the treasure underneath.

Rodney knew how to do this part. He had been punished enough times in the past for causing the man he was serving to topple over as he pulled the pants down, so he worked swiftly, pulling the pants down and then steadying his Master and lifting his bare feet so that he could pull the trousers off the Major’s leg without letting either leg get caught up.

Then, at last, he got to best part. He looked up to confirm that this was what was wanted, and then he put his warm hands over the struggling underpants. He tenderly felt all over before finally inserting his hands into either side of the waist band and pulling up and over, not allowing any discomfort to come to his Master, who continued to pant and huff out semi-phrases and half-formed words of encouragement. The underpants slipped off easily and without unbalancing the Major and finally, his Master stood proud before him, wearing nothing but his tags and his black wristband.

For a full minute Rodney knelt in front of his Master and just drank in the beautiful sight, then, swallowing, he asked.

“Master? May I…?” He gestured at the proud, red cock in front of him and his Master snorted.

“You’d better!”

Gleefully Rodney darted forward, but he began with his hands, lightly caressing up and down the shaft with his fingers and delighting when it twitched. He then pressed a little harder and let his left hand slide down to finger the balls hanging heavily underneath. The litany of words from his owner had become a series of shudders and entreaties to ‘Come on! Come on!’ and Rodney grinned before opening his mouth and throat and taking in the whole shaft.

Rodney was peripherally aware of his Master's reaction to being taken but his focus was on the cock in his mouth. Rodney held it as deep as he could for a moment and then withdrew slightly, both to suckle harder on the end as well as to allow the taste to permeate his mouth. He swirled his tongue around the head and heard a groan as he bobbed his head up and down. Rodney dared to use a hint of teeth as he moved up and down the shaft. He used one hand on his Master's hip to steady him, the other fondled the heavy balls as they hung down.

Taking his Master in completely, Rodney relaxed his throat and pressed in so that his nose was against the wiry hairs. Swallowing deliberately, he heard his Master give a long groan as his mouth was suddenly filled with bitter fluid. Swallowing eagerly, Rodney waited for his Master to start to slump before withdrawing completely. He used both hands to hold his Master steady as he panted and looking up, Rodney was relieved to see a happy, sated smile on his Master’s face.

Part Twenty-Two

the bribe, mcshep

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