The Bribe - Part Sixteen

Jun 18, 2009 22:06

Title: The Bribe - Part Sixteen

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis AU
Genre: Slavefic
Pairing: John Sheppard/ Rodney McKay
Author: Fenchurch

Enormous thanks to Goddess47 for taking out all the commas and reminding me to tell everyone exactly who is saying what!


The Bribe - Part Sixteen

Rodney took a good hard look at himself in the bathroom mirror.

It was the first time in a very long time that he had actually taken the time to do such a thing, usually preferring to just ignore the image and pretend it wasn’t there. His Master was out surfing again and Rodney had promised to be there by nine o’clock to help his Master to carry his things back and to provide a changing tent again for him. Until then he was free to do as he pleased, and it pleased him to look at himself in the mirror.

He wasn’t surprised to see that his hair had thinned a little and receded a little since he had last looked. Bad diet and lack of proper sleep and care would do that kind of thing. He was lucky he hadn’t lost any teeth or turned completely gray. His face was not as gaunt has he had imagined it would be. It was thin and angular, but not washed out or sagging. There was even some pink in his cheeks and his eyes were shiny and blue. He could do with a hair cut again… maybe he could even make his hair… stick up a little instead of that flat, geeky style he had going at the moment. He ran his fingers through the curly ends and realized that his hair felt much softer than it had for a long while.

His eyes then dipped down to the collar at his neck. He was astonished to find that the sight of the gold links actually made him smile! It was as if he were actually happy that the thing was attached to him and that he had no way of removing it. His hand moved automatically up to the links and he suddenly realized that he had been fondling the little disk that held his Master’s name and contact details as a natural gesture. He thought back and decided that he had first done it as they left the store together and that it was a comforting thing to do. He even thought that he might have woken up that morning with his fingers grasping the little disk.
His torso was much the same as it had always been. His shoulders were broad and round and there was a sparse amount of pale hair on his chest. His stomach was soft and his waist wasn’t narrow as such, but he remembered a time when he had begun to put on weight and develop the soft, flabby body of the average Geek.

After that he was into leg and foot territory, nothing much to look at down there, and his own private parts that he was pretty used to by now. So he returned his attention to his face and, most particularly, to his eyes.

The main thing about his eyes was how clear and bright they seemed and there was something different about them. They weren’t any more blue than they had ever been, although maybe they were slightly less bloodshot - he hadn’t had to put all-nighters in front of computer screens for a while now, so that had to be a good thing. They weren’t any bigger or smaller, but there was definitely something strange about them.

It took at least ten minutes of contemplation to realize that… that he was happy and that what he could see in his eyes was the hitherto unknown expression of actual content in them.

Ok… Ok… reality check! Rodney stepped back in surprise and made himself think. He was still a slave and he always would be. He was still at risk and there was every possibility… even probability that his Master would tire of him and just give him back, trade him in for someone better, but for now he belonged to a Master - his Master.

So, Rodney had spent last evening gagged and forced to watch a college football match without even being able to complain about it, but if that was what the Major considered a punishment… well, it had been a punishment and Rodney would do a fair bit to avoid having to go through it again! Who would have thought that it would be possible to walk away from a punishment feeling chastised and yet not in pain? Yes, indeed, Rodney had plenty to be happy about in this new stage of his life.

The food was great, the work was ridiculously easy, he hadn’t been sexually assaulted (unfortunately… and whoa! Where did that thought come from?), showers were amazing and he had the comfiest bed he had enjoyed in five years…

Oh God! What if here were to lose it all now? What if, having enjoyed a taste of heaven, he was taken back to hell? He would never survive.

Rodney turned away from the anguished face in the mirror and forced himself to calm down. Clothes. He needed clothes and… and his Master’s towel… and his watch and his sunglasses… and that black band he wore over the bracelet… and his t-shirt and shorts and shoes…
A glance at the clock told him he had a quarter of an hour before he had to go, so he decided to whisk up some batter for French-style crêpes which he would serve with fried eggs, mushrooms and Canadian bacon for breakfast.

Rodney’s Master ate heartily and complimented Rodney on the breakfast, but there was something a little… odd about the Major’s mood and it set all of Rodney’s alarm bells ringing. As usual, he had no idea whatsoever why his Master might be annoyed with him… unless he was still angry over that ‘speaking out’ thing. But then his Master hadn’t been really angry as such - just keen for Rodney to remember the rules for his own safety.

Accordingly, Rodney served quietly and efficiently, cleaning up as carefully as possible and doing his best to keep noise to a minimum. His Master then headed off to shower, making it very clear that this time he would be showering alone!

When the kitchen and bathroom were both spotless and his Master settled in front of a Star Trek marathon, Rodney was at a loss. The Major hadn’t said anything, but he hadn’t really looked at his slave either, other than at times when he said thank you.

Rodney had to find out whether he was in disgrace or not, so he waited until there was an ad break and then brought a cup of coffee over, placing it carefully on the low table and kneeling.
For a moment, nothing happened. Rodney knelt and waited, watching his Master carefully through the lashes of his lowered eyes. Then suddenly the hazel eyes attached themselves to Rodney’s face and Rodney tried to read the expression behind them.

“Master?” Rodney asked worried, hoping he’d be told how to correct whatever mistake he’d made.

“Thanks for the coffee,” his Master said and then deliberately turned his head back to view the adverts on the screen.

“Master?” Rodney tried again.

Once again there was a short pause before his Master reacted, then he sighed and turned to give his attention to his slave.

“Yes Rodney?”

“Have I… offended you, Master?”

“Offended me?” the Major sounded surprised. “What are you talking about?”

“Have I done something wrong?”

“No!” his Master protested. “No! Why? Do you think you… what do you think you’ve done?”

“I don’t know, Master. I just… you… I’m sorry… I’m interrupting…” The show started up again and Rodney began to scramble to his feet, but his Master halted him.

“Rodney! Stay where you are!” He accompanied the order with the pointy-finger hand signal they had agreed on, so Rodney knelt back down again and lowered his eyes.

John reached for the remote and turned the program off. It was only Star Trek and this was more important. It had been bothering him all night and even surfing hadn’t distracted him, but he had hoped that he could avoid the discussion for a while. Now Rodney was upset and that was the last thing John wanted. He ran his hand through his hair a few times and sat back, wondering where to start.

“Rodney… I need to apologize.”

“Apologize, Master? What for?” Rodney gasped.

“For… for breaking my promise.” John couldn’t look down at the scientist at his feet, knowing that the lightening fast brain had probably worked it out by now.


…or maybe not. John sighed and acknowledged that he would just have to bring up the ugly subject himself. He couldn’t help sighing again.

“I promised not to use you… sexually… I broke that promise, and I’m sorry,” John spat out.

Rodney’s intake of breath was distinctly audible. His Master was apparently apologizing for something that, for Rodney, had been one of the most amazing experiences of his life.

“Master… no! No! I… it was wonderful! Please… you didn’t use me! You didn’t! You… you gave me… it was a gift, Master!” Rodney babbled.

His Master was looking at him again, but this time it was with an expression of bewilderment.
“You’re not angry?” he asked, baffled.

“No! No Master! It was… seriously… unless… “ Rodney’s face fell and his eyes lowered, but then he looked back up and this time his chin stuck out and his expression was almost accusing. “You said it was the best shower ever! You liked it too, Master! You said so!”

“Oh thank God!” his Master grinned, relief all over his face. “I was afraid I’d traumatized you or something. You really didn’t mind?”

“Mind?” Rodney almost screeched, “It was fantastic! I want to do it again! Um… Master…” He added a little sheepishly and fought a losing battle with a blush that stole across his face.
“I’m up for that!” the Major grinned. “But, Rodney,” he added with a note of caution in his voice. “We’ll go slowly and at my pace. I want to make it good for you and… we won’t rush into things, OK?”

“You’re the Master,” Rodney spoke earnestly. “I’ll do anything you tell me to… anything at all.”

“Do you like classic Trek?”

“Of course, Master!” Rodney managed to avoid saying ‘duh!’.

“Up here then!” his Master patted the sofa next to him and opened his arms, so that Rodney could join him.

Rodney hesitated a moment. Was he seriously being asked to snuggle? With his Master?

Apparently the answer was ‘yes’, so he cautiously climbed onto the sofa and was manhandled into a position where his head was resting on his Master’s knee. The Major pulled him up and secured him with his arm and then he reached for the remote.

“It’s always more fun when there’s someone to watch it with you,” John opined. “Comment all you like!”

Rodney sighed and wondered if this was what heaven was like. His Master’s thigh was solid, but comfortable and he had a perfect view of the screen. The arm pinning him in place was rubbing gently in a soothing motion and he had free rein to speak out… yes! This was definitely heaven.

Part Seventeen

the bribe, mcshep

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