Aug 04, 2012 17:18
So, camisoles. They're usually lacy and spaghetti-strappy and you wear them under what, blouses strategically unbuttoned? shrugs? suit coats? I don't know. So what do you wear under a camisole? I was raised that visible bra straps are, like, a source of shame, so, what, braless is better? I don't think so. I probably just shouldn't wear a camisole. But, what if?
Also: a friend came over a while back and accidentally spilled her juice-fast juice in my front hall. Beet juice. It looked like she killed someone. So a large number of my books on the front hall bookshelves got a little beet juice bath. Some are library school textbooks, but more than a few are Writer's Digest-y books, some random collections of comic strips, and a couple books I'm pretty sure I can't replace without serious change.
Are they lost causes? I don't know. Some just have a little red stain the size of a pencil eraser on their bottom edge, with no bleedthrough in the book. Some are all sticky. I know the official stance of the library I used to work for was that any book that came into contact with any source of moisture, much like an iPhone, must be taken to a secret place to be destroyed hygenically. This seems overkill for some of these...but then I also don't want to infect the rest of my books with hyper beet mold. So I don't know. :/