Still not regretting Obama

Sep 24, 2010 13:27

I see a lot of liberals being disappointed with Obama- they wanted him to be as powerful as Bush, I think, but to use that power to get things accomplished on their individual liberal agendas.

Problem as I see it is two-fold:
1) Obama could NEVER come close to his predecessor in raw power because that Neo-con bastard Bush was nothing more than a tool for the vastly powerful and influential- billionaires, corporations and their lobbyists- they backed his hand at every turn with their bottomless wallets. Under the best of circumstances Obama has the support of the people who put him into office, and THEIR wallets are all but empty these days.

2) His Democratic and independent constituents have MANY different perspectives on how we can fix America's problems. It's not like they're all working out of the same play book. Please one group, piss off another. Obama might have some decent ideas of his own, but the folks he represents are terribly divided. I'm sure this is exacerbated by the veritable avalanche of misinformation the corporate-owned press pumps out into the hive-mind on a daily basis.

... add to this the fact that he's fighting against decades of precedent in which elected officials did little more than befuddle the masses with patriotic words, platitudes and outright fear-mongering; all while catering to the demands of the wealthy and powerful who hand picked them for candidacy and made their elections feasible with enormous campaign contributions.

It breaks my heart to know that the supreme court has opened the floodgates even further to the corrupting influence of corporate contributions upon our political process, and that one of the few politicians in Washington who has fought tooth and nail for campaign finance reform is suffering in the polls against his Republican challenger (talking about Feingold). I'd always prayed that the internet would save our democratic system and tilt the balance back in favor of the actual citizens of this country, but the backlash against the democrats may prove me overly optimistic.
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