Metric fuckton of H2H pics~~~~~ (srsly, a LOT)

May 22, 2011 20:36


The first time we formally meet Hiiro, he's just stepped out of an empty classroom...with his hair, uh, quite disheveled and his collar open and his tie undone and....yeah. (godshouta'scollarbonesaresosexyyyyyyyyy)

He gets himself in order...

Aoshima: "What were you just doing in there?"

Hiiro: "Something that happens a lot in all-boys' schools..."


Shimura-sensei smells booze and cigarettes on his bb and doesn't like it one bit.

Hiiro first tries to explain the very rational reason he smells that way (he gets tutored by a college student a few times a week)...

...before finally realizing that "紫村先生もしかして、やいてんの??" ("Shimura-sensei don't tell me--you're jealous?!")



Now, fast forward to the very end of the show where Hiiro gets his shit together and decides not to let his life be a waste, he's going to move back in with his mother and work on his grades, etc etc. Shimura is, suffice to say, hurt beyond belief ;_____;

Hiiro tries pleading with him to get him to understand, to explain that he can't stay cooped up in this cage forever, and that neither can Shimura, that they both deserve to be free.

Shimura...doesn't take it well.

"緋色・・・愛してるよ。" ("Hiiro...I love you.")



Everyone getting geared up just before opening night!

The trio back from the first show! T2 and Hirayama (who you may remember me fangirling back for Secret Garden) were the only three reprising their roles from the first show (and really, that's the way it should've been! They fit their roles to a T! No pun intended XD)

Shouta's such a CUTE ZACHOU. Here he welcomes everyone back for the saien and then promptly hands the camera off to Tsujimoto Yuuki-kun XD

"Eeh, everyone. Welcome home."

Shouta then, off-camera, says that there's going to be a DVD this time! Who then subsequently FLIPS A SHIT IN EXCITEMENT??

"HONMA DESU KA?!?!?!?!?"

As you can see, Tsuji is PSYCHED people get to pay an ungodly amount of money to watch him feel up his boyfriendboyfriend.

.......................TSUJI XDDDDD.

This pic is the first of SEVERAL times where the camera person just randomly taped them without them knowing. I struggled between feeling creeped out they were spying on T2 and....really really happy XD;;;

Tsuji is so. fucking. cute.


I just like seeing Shouta's bottom half in the mirror XD

Getting prepped!

Shouta: "We finished the show today! Though, Tsujimoto-kun was a little over the top..."

Tsuji: (offended) "That was BOTH OF US you know."


A lot of these pics I just capped cause boys are pretty XD

Shimura-senseeeeeeiiiii and his pretty necklace :3

Here, Tsuji made up some weird H2H cheer that involved them repeating weird, long phrases to great amusement. Well, mostly Shouta's amusement, as seen:


I randomly really liked this chance to see backstage and get to watch what the actors are like right before a show starts. They're all just wandering around getting ready and CONSTANTLY repeating their lines. It's deep~

Cast shot~

Shimura-sensei and his paper bunny XD

Random T2 taking a pic together for Sakamoto's blog~

...Sensei <33333

This post will now segue into T2 being INTOLERABLE at curtain.

Please observe how everyone else is totally "......... -_-;;"

Yes, Tsuji, I think that's a good example of how everyone else feels watching you two.

Yet another example of how whenever Shouta is short on things to say or forgets where he was, he always always glances over to Tsuji for guidance (who always always gives it to him gladly :3). SHOUTA. A HELPFUL NOTE: TSUJI DOES NOT HAVE INSTRUCTIONS WRITTEN ON HIS FACE. YOU DON'T HAVE TO ALWAYS LOOK AT HIM ALWAYS.

This next bit, though, is gold and I want to print it out and frame it with inlaid lettering stating THIS IS WHY T2 WORKS.

The cast are all dispersing after final greetings to walk off stage, and the camera zooms in on Shouta (being the main character)........or does it?

Nope. It zooms in on T2. Because Shouta's just glanced over at his partner for approval...

And gets it in the form of a firm head-nod ;~; IT'S SUCH A SWEET, RANDOM MOMENT.

Tsujimoto Yuuki is FUCKING PSYCHED for senshuuraku to be over XD


...What, you thought I was done? Oh HELL NO. There's still another 20 min of cast talks to get through! And you can bet your ass I capped the shit out of this :D

Shouta's so cute in seiza XD

Question 1! Differences between the first show and saien, and feelings towards the saien. First to respond...

Shouta: "TSUJIMOTO-KUN! You played Kiiguchi last time, right?"

Tsuji: "Yes, that's right, last time I played Kiiguchi--"

Tsuji: "I DID NOT." *SMACKS*

Ladies and gents, T2's Abusive Relationship, Smack #1.

Seizaaaaa. It hurts so much to sit in, BUT SHOUTA'S SO CUTE AND INNOCENT IN IT.

Smack #2

Miyazawa confesses he flubbed his lines a lot early on in rehearsals. Tsuji tries to make him feel better by saying, "Well you certainly did better than this guy here!" XD;;

Smack #3

Question 2! Which ending did you like better--Amber (Hiiro really dies, but Aoshima finds a letter from him months later and realizes Hiiro had wanted them to reunite when he got older so that they could pursue a healthy relationship) or Crystal (the entire play was a story written by Aoshima, who's found dead in his apartment)?

Tsuji prefers the Amber version, stating that although it was the sadder of the two, it felt more powerful because of it.

Question 3: What were some 'happenings' during rehearsals, backstage, or on stage?

Tsuji: (knowing full well that Shouta wants him to talk about the TWO TIMES he busted the ass of his pants) ".....Such as?"

Later on, Shouta finally can't bear sitting in seiza anymore (it hurts after a while and your legs go numb) and sits down normally.

Tsuji: "And he finally cracks!"

Smack #4 (in response XD)

As punishment, he of course has to take his licks and talk about his pants-busting experience.

...As you can see, he is thrilled.

CUTENESS. I love all the sound and visual effects here too XD

Shouta: "Tsujimoto Yuuki--a man who's got it!" (subtle swipe XD)

Smack #5 (seriously, poor Shouta must've had a bruised shoulder by the end of this thing XD;;;)

Question 4: What did you like about your character? Did you think you were alike?

Tsuji: "Nope."

...Uh yeah, I'd HOPE you weren't a jealous, posessive pedophile who KILLED HIS LOVER because he wanted a better life XD;;; He explained that once he'd gotten into character, it really scared him how deep Shimura's emotions ran, how frightening his feelings for Hiiro were.

Tsuji: " scary~!"

Shouta: "I actually think we were alike on a lot of points..."

Everyone else: *so not convinced*

Shouta: "...Wait, what was the question again?" XD;;; Poor Tsuji, his face when Shouta obviously is lost XD;;;;

Shouta: "So yeah, we're alike..."
Tsuji/Hirayama: "YOU ARE NOT."

Shouta: "....Yes we are :3"

Smack #...6? I'm losing count here gdi XD

A final HEEHEE~

...then a full cast wave goodbye...

And just because they couldn't resist being special, T2 double v at the end~<33333

Rip should be up in the morning! Can't WAIT til you people see this awesomeness :33333

hard to hold, screencaps, 辻高

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