analineblue gave me some Words, and now I'm here to talk about them as is appropriate XD
Fandom, oh fandom. I think my feelings on this subject are best summed up by the eloquent Catullus:
Odi et amo. Quare id faciam, fortasse requiris? Nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.
(I hate and I love. How can this be, you may ask? I don't know, but it is and I am tormented by it.)
Yes, fandom is the source of so much angst in my life but also so much joy, and just for being able to experience all that joy--friends and events and plays and karaoke and good food and heart-pounding nerves and being entirely self-reliant--is worth all the drama and hardships :3
Probably a greater source of that joy I mentioned above than anything else, tbh ♥ My greatest experiences in Japan were either directly or indirectly related to these guys, and though they may never know it, I'm glad to have been a fan and like to think I've helped bring others closer to them as well, whether it be via reports or translations or subs or whatever. Strip away every zany fandom thing related to them--all the RPS and fangirling and all--and they're still amazing actors who put on amazing shows that are, well, amazing :P And they deserve every fan they get and more for their hard work.
And I wouldn't have gotten to experience *pnish* if it weren't for TeniMyu, the show that changed my life :3 This is another odi et amo moment, as I feel like this franchise has the ability to make or break me, and of course there's a lot wrong with it, but there's so much right with it, too, and it's given lots of guys legs-up they otherwise wouldn't have gotten (or would've taken a lot longer to get) and helped forge friendships between people who otherwise never might have met.
They suck. Hard :( They're ~ooh fun to be in if they're light and all, but fuck you 東日本大震災 :( I didn't want to go home and you made me. Also you made the trains hot now because they won't turn on much air to conserve energy. Also radiation is not cool.
Man, if I didn't have some manner of getting out of my head all those ideas I have running around in a manner that at least gives me some satisfaction, if no one else, I'd go crazy. I feel like most of the mental issues I still have are related to not being able to get EVERY idea out and onto digital paper :P
I do love writing, though, so long as it's on a subject I feel strongly about: not even fic, but meta and discussion and writing up huge, long-ass posts about fandom and all much fun it's scary
IN OTHER NEWS: it's FRIDAY! (~Friday gettin' down on Friday~) and that means 1) new episode of SH YESSSSS and 2) OH HAY HARD TO HOLD OUT ON DVD COME TO MEEEEEEEEEE~~~