I've been...in kind of a rut lately. Ever since being supremely disappointed with Golden Mask, I've felt like a lot of the shows I've seen lately have just been...not good. Not enjoyable. Confusing, muddled, and wondered if it was just me, if it was just kind of...a delayed reaction from the awesome time I had from late 2009 to mid 2010. Maybe I was kind of "done" with seeing shows I really liked? :(
Thankfully Shounen Hollywood remedied me of that feeling :DDDDD
This was such a fun show. It was easy to understand, hilarious to boot (Kime's salaryman was awesome, and he kept having these internal monologue moments where he'd see these kids doing something very teenager-y and think "So young!! D:"), and the entire second half of the show was a Live, so umm, all in all YES AWESOME.
Nagayan was Kime's roommate, and was awesome as usual as well XD Especially when he came out and danced his ass off at the final song XD And Kime. Oh Kime. I've never been to a Live of his--I don't really like Lives--but...this made me want to go XD HE IS SUCH A LITTLE MACHINE.
And the boys! The whole group was kind of super endearing XDDD Tomoru was, of course, great, but I kept finding myself drooling over my eye going over to Doi Kazumi, who I swear to Goddo (Kime's character's nickname in the show, lol XDDD) TOTALLY HAS TO BE THE NEXT TEZUKA:
He's got a really pretty, deep voice, too. It's like Tezuka stepped out of the manga and suddenly had personality :|
Also, you get one quess as to whether or not I flew to the goods table and bought the DVD of this bitch XDDDD
*sigh* I definitely need to go again :3 ASAP :D ....................Oh I just bought a ticket to senshuuraku (where Nagayan is the guest who comes out to dance at the end :DDDD)