Jan 18, 2011 19:05
:< Places should stop having similar names...
For example: 中野坂上RAFT vs. 新宿LOFT/PLUSONE.
One is a very tiny ~30 person capacity event space. The other is still small, but decidedly bigger.
I was kind of disappointed when I hurried and bought a ticket for the Nama Otoko Live Streaming event there Friday and realized it wasn't at the former, but the latter XD Damn. Still going to be awesome seeing Shoutakins for the first time this year in a fairly small venue, but it would've been nicer in the Nakano space since it's smaller XD
idk how these live streaming things work--do they ever show the audience?? If so, anyone watching this Friday's show with Shouta on it, LOOK FOR THE BLONDE WHITEY 8D