
Sep 05, 2010 00:35

Today was an interesting day!

I woke up fairly late and killed some time getting ready until the Tuti event tickets went on sale, at which point I pounced most effectively and snagged myself, yomimashou, and faded_lace tickets for Tuti's zomgawesome Nagoya Meijimura event. We have no clue what it's going to entail save that Tuti will be there and so will we :D getting there is another matter entirely...

With tickets safely procured, I headed to Shibuya to meet up with the aforementioned ladies and a third friend Joanna (who...I'm not sure the LJ of? Halp?). We were meeting at Gain, because they had wanted to check it out before we had lunch, but a shopping spree had them arriving after me, which meant I was left standing and looking stupid outside of Gain for ~10 min XD I was mostly worried that Tenchou would look down and see me and come down and interrogate me about why I was hanging around in front of his place. I supposed if he asked me that, I'd just explain that I was waiting for some friends who wanted to visit Gain, etc. etc.

I shit you not, literally TEN SECONDS after I devised that plan, a shadow appeared in the side of my vision, and I glanced up and holy fuck Tenchou right there next to me. I dunno HOW he snuck up so ninja like since I was standing RIGHT in front of Gain, but THERE he was, tickled that I jumped when he came around XD;;; We then chatted for a little bit--where he did indeed ask what I was doing there. When I said I was waiting for some friends who wanted to visit Gain, he asked if it was "the same one who came last week" (faded_lace getting a Blossam shirt), and I said nope, new ones~ to which he got all Japanese-store-owner-y on me and thanked me for bringing people around XD

Then for some reason we started talking about the new Blossam shirt (I think because of mentioning faded_lace) and he asked me if I'd gone to Nagayan's FC event last week. When I said I had, a little surprised that he knew about it, he explained that Nagayan had called him and mentioned that I'd worn it and said something like "the lime looked good" and I'm all nodding nicely and smiling and inside going kind of, "LIAUDFHSDFS SHIT FUCK NAGAYAN ILUSFM"

We then discussed KG losing two more members, and then he had to dash back upstairs because a customer had come, so I was left to sit in the heat some more XD But the girls showed up shortly after that, so we popped up and faded_lace bought a Wasshi-line green train shirt because she is an awesome Wasshi fan and Tenchou loved it XD

After that was lunch at TGIFridays and then dashing over to Ebisu to see Blood Prisoner one final time! Unfortunately our seats were separated today, but being in the back I got to see Tamacchi escort a few people into kankeisha seats, including...THIS DUDE! I heard him before I saw him, and when I glanced over, all I saw was a really tall guy with Naoya-esque glasses on, and thought huh, that guy totally looks like Naoya! But I never like guessing who someone was, so I kept my eyes peeled at demachi, and he did indeed come down in full Naoya glory XD

SPEAKING OF DEMACHI! faded_lace had worriedly asked me the other day if I thought it would be weird for her to wear her new awesome Blossam shirt to the show today, and I reassured her that Nagayan fricking LOVES it when people wear Blossam to his shows, so she definitely should. It was a very good thing she did...because he walked out WEARING THE EXACT SAME ONE XDDDD And when he saw her, he exclaimed, "We match!" and gave her a manly side-hug which I think she is probably still feeling now 8DDDDD It was kind of awesome.

After the show, we piled all four into the Big Echo near the theater and sang our throats raw :D Here are some tired, sung-out fangirls:

(I'm taking the pic, so I'm not in it)

As for the show itself, it was--if possible--even gayer than last time, and I'm sure you people are tired of my babbling about how awesomely gay this show was and how Souta's Ten-chan is absolutely head over heels in love with Nagayan's Junsuke and how it hurts seeing him pining, BUT JSYK I'M PROBABLY GOING TO HAVE TO GET SOME FIC-WRITING FOR THIS PAIRING OUT OF MY SYSTEM. SO. You know, be prepared :D


nagayan, daiki, tsujimoto

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