cienna I have finished all your delicious.com SGA reccs and am now flailing about desperately scouring other people's recc lists for more :P I hope you're happy with what you've made me by spoiling me in this manner. though the fuck? are there no decent icon makers in this fandom? sheesh
In other news, I have something like 5 tabs open on my computer with Sherlock/John smut waiting to be read, but the first episode of the new season of Project Runway is out now and I'm wanting to watch that while I eat. Toooooorn D: HAVE I MENTIONED ABOUT HOW I HAVE NO TIME TO DO ANYTHING I WANT TO DO?? >_>
Friday is seeing Tsuji and Mako-chan do Secret Garden again in Ikebukuro, and then the awesome talk show afterwards and the dreaded handshake after that. Why do these people insist on touching and interacting with us gdi? D: I just want to be creepy and stalkerish off to the side where I can't be properly identified for police records!
I think I'm still in something of a daze about 6th cast/1st cast take 2... Now that they're ANNOUNCED I want to SEE them. I need to join this stupid little supporter's club thing, because while I'm sure it's just another way to get our money, the greedy bastards, I'm absolutely going to bend over and take it of course :P I can't exactly get sooper seekrit info via tennimo.com anymore, can I? >_> STUPID JAPAN. REALIZE THAT SMARTPHONES EXIST AND THEIR BROWSERS CAN'T ACCESS YOUR MOBILE-ONLY SITES.
In other other news, I'm pretty certain now that I'm going to Comiket only on the 14th (or whatever day that Saturday is), because the only reason I'd want to go on the 13th would be to snatch up whatever new Tuti/Nagayan or Nataraja/Pasupata doujinshi Mitsuru and Asami churn out (and any other good stuff), and luckily
hughes_maes has kindly offered to stand in the baking sun to get into the hall and buy it for me :D In return, she gets a place to sleep XD Sounds like a fair trade to me XD Then on the 14th I can stock up on any fun anime doujinshi--like GP and ShiraKin and OshiGaki and sdfiusdhfs yes. Some GP chick at Super Comic City also had some Tuti/Nagayan and Nataraja/Pasupata doujinshi, too, so hopefully I can find her again and see if she has any new stuff! Man I am so ready for Obon XD
When do the new songs get into karaoke? 20th? I'm so ready to belt out Banzai and Destiny and Graduation it's not even funnyyyyyyy D: (and the CD doesn't even come out til the 25th. I WANT IT NOOOOOW. Because everyone needs to hear how fucking awesome 1st and 5th cast were singing together ;~;)
ohshit Nagayan's event is this month o_O OH THAT REMINDS ME
hughes_maes! You and Rachel need to GO JOIN NAGAYAN'S FC dammit! GET ON THAT!