May 22, 2010 01:01

FIRST: download this and listen to it *___* It's only 15 seconds, but it's a rip of the backstage clip with Nagayan and Tuti singing Catharsis together (the second time XD the first is on the main DVD itself, which I haven't ripped yet) and tell me that's not fricking amazing *____* I was a little disappointed at first when I listened to the version on the main DVD (from a show I hadn't been to, the other one where Nagayan sang Catharsis) because it sounded like he hadn't made that beautiful melody you hear in that clip, but he nails it on the second chorus and sldfiushdlfsdfs THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST REASONS FOR THEM TO BE TOGETHER: BECAUSE EVERYTHING THEY DO IS FUCKING BEAUTIFUL.

And some caps! Very few, relatively, as it's almost 1 AM and I need to get to bed to be up early for MOOOAAARRR DL7th tomorrow~ Backstage disc is finished ripping (1 gig *___* Because it's almost 2 hours of backstages!), and the main DVD and bus tour will follow soon. I haven't even OPENED the TeniMyu disc, that'll have to wait XD;;;;

There are way more coming when I have the time to cap and caption, but for now...

When I emailed Kaoru to see if she'd gotten the DVD yet, her immediate response was: "I think I've slow-motion played through that senshuuraku scene a dozen times already... *____*"

BTW this is even hotter watching it in motion, guys, JSYK.

...You were hoping for no serenading on this DVD? Well I'm sorry. There's a lot. A whole lot XD (hey, look at it this way: now you too can experience what it's like to be a BuriMyu cast member and have to put up with Tuti's guitar!)

Tatsuya almost has a fit after making a joke to Inoue (filming) about wanting to see her boobs, and Eiki comes up behind him and pulls the big brother bit XDDDDD

...Nagayan's pants XD

Here they showed the February babies getting their lovely birthday cake, and each of them said a little something to the camera. Naturally, however, whenever there are cameras and Tuti involved...

...Nagayan is behind him doing crazy shit 8DDDD You can't tell from the still image, but he was weaving in and out behind Tuti XDDDD

Okay so, ignore the horribly stupid face and rest assured he has a reason to make it XD Gaku was filming him and telling everyone that Tuti messed up big in the show today, and asked Tuti to reenact it, so he's saying a bunch of nonsense to the tune of Catharsis right now, because this was the day he forgot the lyrics randomly XD

When asked for his comments on the flub, a very strangely hot-looking Nagayan recalled several years back when Tuti made anoooother little flub during his Romeo and Juliet scenebalcony scene between Hitsugaya and Gin, and helpfully reenacts Tuti's babbled lyrics XD

...Tuti doesn't take kindly to criticism XDDDD

Taiin!Catharsis XDDDDD

...And yeah, the rest of this post is just TxN picspam. BECAUSE THERE'S KIND OF A LOT, AND THIS IS JUST THE STUFF I FOUND JUMPING AROUND.

Practicing the opening number with their unnecessarily hot fight scene

...for some reason the camera was on them during the shots of rehearsal!Song for You. NOT THAT I'M COMPLAINING.

And lastly I leave you with this shot from the main DVD, mmmmmmm. I really need to sit down with this thing and watch it all the way through--but I can't till DL7th is over >_<--because apparently there's some shot of Tuti strumming away on his guitar outside with this huge goofy grin on his face and he says, "Takashi's been telling me every day that I'm getting better so it's helping me keep at this~" FFFFFFF THESE TWO BASTARDS.

Rip will be up in the next 24 hours likely!

screencaps, code003, 土永, burimyu

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