Yaaaaay TeniMyu ticket presales :P
I fought long and hard and eventually WON, but at heavy costs: a 2nd row ticket, just off center, for the first show I'll see (May 8th afternoon)...for 37,000 yen >_> I'm not spending much more over double for any other tickets, I've decided :/ This is just embarrassing. It better fucking be worth it :( If I go to that show and Tuti and Nagayan at least aren't both in it, THEN SCREW YOU GUYS I'M GOING HOME :P
Today was presales, however, and I managed to get one of the 4 I still needed (both for the 9th, one for the 20th, and one for the 22nd; I still need a senshuuraku ticket, but I'm bidding on one I really don't want to let get away *crosses fingers*) -- for the 20th, opening night for the Yokohama shows. This will likely be the cheapest ticket I get, because I bought it myself XD It's block A, row 13, which isn't the WORST seat by far (nearish the stage, but a little to the back) but not the best. I need to stop worrying about that though, dammit XD I HAVE GOOD SEATS, THIS SHOULD BE ENOUGH.
Will probably stalk auctions and ticket.co.jp for the next few weeks, but I won't go too crazy with buying because I don't want to go bankrupt :P I'll still get paid once more before the shows start, so I'll have my funds refilled in order to try again if I get desperate :)
Random note, though: I was going to try in person at the Lawsons by my place to get tickets, and I got there 5 min before sales started. To kill time, I went to the ATM right next to it to deposit some money, and JUST as I was finishing and putting my card in my purse again, a chick comes barreling through the door and heads straight to the loppi machine, cutting me off. She immediately started trying to get a ticket and I thought I'd just wait til she was done, since she was probably trying to pick up something she'd preordered.
The code she put in? 30015. The L-code for the Yokohama shows for DL7th :P
FUCKING TENIMYU BITCHES :PPPPPPPPPP I stomped out, jogged back to my apartment around the corner and still in plenty of time to start getting tickets, and easily got mine from home instead. SUCK IT :P
In other news, my uncle's ordering my new computer, HURRAH!! I should be getting a nice pink sony to balance out this yellow dell I have now XD *crosses fingers* come to me, birthday present!
In still other news...Inspired by a fandomsecret posted the other day, I've been marathoning Nabari no Ou this weekend, and will likely finish it in the next few hours (I just finished episode 19) and...not sure how I feel about it. It's not terribly engaging, but gdi Yoite and Miharu give me stomach butterflies :P Yoite's such a fricking angst bucket, though, I want to slap him. At least Miharu has his "demon child" moments and outbursts of emotion. And sdifuhsdlif Raikou and Gau? Umm, YES??? Even if Yoite and Miharu don't work out, damn do I have some fic searching to do for Raikou and Gau at least 8D
No one better spoil me if you've seen it all, I'll come back and post final thoughts after I get through it~