What is your name? Courtney,
fencer_xAre you named after anyone? Not that I know of...
What's your screename? Oh, oops. Umm,
fencer_x on LJ, argh_unavailable on YM, tytoalbabob on MSN, and more often than not sexygaju on AIM
Would you name a child of yours after you? Nah, I've got too many other names I wanna inflict on children/pets/cars/appliances to reuse my own
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be? I hear they wanted to name me Charles...
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be? I've gotten attached to mine :D
Are there any mispronunciations/typos that people do with your name constantly? Not my first, but at ring ceremony my junior year of high school they pronounced my middle name "Blay-Ray" (Blayre, supposed to be pronounced to rhyme with "hair")
Would you drop your last name if you became famous? *snicker* oh hell yes.
::Vital Stats::
Your gender: 女性
Straight/Gay/Bi: Straight
Single? Yup
If not, do you want to be? Yup ♥ I'm not too big on relationships. I've got too much on my plate right now to worry about the menfolks. Maybe that's why I get so attached to gay guys...
Birthdate: March 22, 1985
Your age: 21 (WHOOP!)
Age you act: I like to think usually my age, though that takes a sharp downturn whenever anything big happens in fandom ♥
Age you wish you were: Hmm, I'm pretty happy now. I can have all the fun I want. Well, I take that back, I wish I was 23, because then that means I'd be in Japan XD
Your height: 5'2" (with shoes >_>)
Eye color: Blue
Happy with it? Yup
Hair color: dirty blonde
Happy with it? I used to want dark brown hair, though I think I'm satisfied with my state now
Your living arrangement: 2-person dorm room currently, which I like (we've got our own bathroom, I need nothing else ♥), though as of this August I'll be *crosses fingers* living in an apartment here in College Station with
kooriyoukai and having more fangirly fun than should be allowed.
Your family: Immediate--mother, father, younger brother (almost 17) and younger sister (13). Countless aunts in California, maternal grandmother, paternal grandmother and grandfather, etc etc...
Have any pets? Here? Just my dying Moon Valley Oishi...though at home we have a Labrador/Weimeraner mix (Nike), and a cat (Alley)
What's your job? Ain't got one <3333 Though I do research in the summers in California with barn owls
Piercings? I hate needles XD
Tattoos? See above
Obsessions? Too many? D.N.Angel, PoT, TeniMyu, Tuti, Nagayan, Tuti and Nagayan, Japanese language, linguistics, photoshop, Tuti, umm...
Addictions? How is this different from obsessions? IT'S NOT.
Do you speak another language? Passable Japanese, and, umm, I've got a minor in Latin ♥
Have a favorite quote? "skdfjhsfhleirufnervunevuelrvunelifunelifrer" <---keyboard smashes inevitably proceed great things happening, so any variation on this.
Do you have a web page?
StrawberryWine, which for now is just a media hosting site, but will hopefully soon be something more...
::Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it::
Do you live in the moment? I often find myself regretting past actions and choices and wishing it was the future...
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? To an extent
Do you have any secrets? Tons >3
Do you hate yourself? I get disappointed in myself, but never hate.
Do you like your handwriting? Yeah~
Do you have any bad habits? Nailbiting -_-;;
What is the compliment you get from most people? Umm, good photoshopper? Good Japanese?
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called? ...God help Hollywood if they ever get that desperate...
What's your biggest fear? I'll never find out what I really want to do with my life, and spend it regretting.
Can you sing? Well? Ummmmm~ XD
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? I usually don't care that much nowadays, but I did in middle school.
Are you a loner? Very much so, don't let my online presence fool you ♥
What are your priorities in life? Most of the time, I'm sorry to say, Number One...
If you were another person, would you be friends with you? We've gotta have some good stuff in common. I want a fangirl friend who's as crazy as I am but not that much more so :3
Are you a daredevil? If I had the money to go skydiving, I so would :DDDDD
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? Oh yes, lots :P
Are you passive or aggressive? Hmm...most of the time I'll just go with the flow and not make waves. But if there's something I don't agree with, or really have the desire to have, I'll go at it head-first.
Do you have a journal? Of course :D
What is your greatest strength and weakness? Hmm...for strengths, I think I rely most on an ability to read people, when I need to...I can charm the mess out of people when necessary :D For weaknesses...I'm a horrible prioritizer :/ I'll start a project, lose interest, and start another, often taking on far more work than is feasible for me, just because I hate telling people no, or I don't have time.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Be really really good at just one thing, instead of having a passable ability in lots of things.
Do you think you are emotionally strong? When I have to be :)
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life? Too many to list...
Do you think life has been good so far? Considering that I have so many regrets, I do think I've had it pretty good. I've been terribly blessed so far, in friends, supporting family, everything.
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life? If I want something bad enough, I better be prepared to fight for it myself, because it's my life and I'm the one who's gotta take a stand.
What do you like the most about your body? Umm, my wrists? XD
Are you confident? For being as short as I am, I have to be XD
What is the fictional character you are most like? That requires more thought than this meme merits ♥
Are you perceived wrongly? Hm, since
pixxers seemed to think I was some porn-hording dominatrix who swears like a sailor...yeah, I think some people get the wrong view of me XD Not that I mind ♥ It's fun shocking people when they meet me IRL
::Do You...::
Smoke? Nope, never have and never will. Can't stand the smell, and if you smoke around me, then I lose a looooot of respect for you. What you do to yourself is one thing, and everyone's entitled to do to their own bodies what they will, but around others, it gets personal.
Do drugs? Nope, never have and never will. I was lucky enough to never have been exposed to it, nor saw any need or wisdom in it.
Read the newspaper? When I get to class early
Pray? Not as often as I feel I should
Go to church? Again, not as often as I feel would benefit me. Through high school I went almost every Sunday, and some of those closest to me outside of my family were members of my church. It was more than a religious place, it was a place to have a second family, and I don't regret it one bit. I don't go hardly any now only because no church here could ever replace the one back home.
Talk to strangers who IM you? Sometimes, to mess with their heads <3333
Sleep with stuffed animals? I used to all the time XD
Take walks in the rain? Only when it's a class I have to go to
Talk to people even though you hate them? More than I should ♥
Drive? It's a necessary evil damn good time.
Like to drive fast? Apparently, according to that officer XD
::Would or Have You Ever?::
Liked your voice? Yup :)
Hurt yourself? Nope.
Been out of the country? Does Juarez, Mexico count? XD Though ask me again around July of next year...
Eaten something that made other people sick? Not that I recall...
Been in love? Don't think so...I'm pretty sure I'd remember that...
Done drugs? Nope.
Gone skinny dipping? Nope.
Had a medical emergency? Apparently I broke my collarbone falling out of bed as a kid, but I don't remember it
Had surgery? Not that I know of
Ran away from home? Nope.
Played strip poker? Nope.
Gotten beaten up? I was a nasty little child XD I used to chase boys and threaten to kiss them and take them back to my gang's 'fort' on the playground. So no, I was the bully ♥
Beaten someone up? See above ♥
Been picked on? In elementary school a good bit, maybe that's why I was so hostile XD
Been on stage? Yup, all through elementary school, then fell off through middle school
Slept outdoors? Been camping tons
Thought about suicide? Nope, I've been very lucky never to have seen any need to. I've known friends who've had close calls, and swore I'd never get that overwhelmed.
Pulled an all nighter? This is my alternative to suicide I guess XD Though I never had to until my sophomore year of college!
If yes, what is your record? Uuuhhh...it's a little fuzzy XD Though I think I stayed up from about 9 AM on a Sunday through...probably around noon the next day, then took a few hours' nap and drove 4 hours home XD Oh yes, I'm the bestest driver ever.
Gone one day without food? Yup
Talked on the phone all night? Nope.
Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex? Probably my little brother when I was younger o_O
Slept all day? No :((((((
Killed someone? HAH. And I'm supposed to admit it here?
Made out with a stranger? Nope
Had sex with a stranger? Nope
Thought you're going crazy? Not really XD
Kissed the same sex? Nope
Done anything sexual with the same sex? Nope
Been betrayed? Not that I recall...
Had a dream that came true? Most of my dreams are so weird, I'm kind of glad they haven't o_O
Broken the law? Nothing beyond speeding XD
Met a famous person? Yup XD Ate lunch with
Vincent Ventresca,
Paul Ben-Victor,
Eddie Jones,
Mike McCafferty back when I was the hugest (and youngest) The Invisible Man fan ♥
Have you ever killed an animal by accident? Nothing beyond, like, stepping on an ant or something
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? Yeeesss >_> XD
Stolen anything? Nope
Been on radio/tv? Yup
Been in a mosh-pit? Nope o_O
Had a nervous breakdown? Not yeeeeet XD But I'm not even out of college yet, so here's hoping! XD
Bungee jumped? SOME DAY.
Believe in life on other planets? Sure
Miracles? Absolutely
Astrology? Don't follow it, but sometimes it's eeeeeerie how on-target it is *pokes
kooriyoukai* XD
Magic? Nah
God? I've seen too many wonderful things happen to people near and dear to me not to believe in a higher power, and being raised Christian (non-denominational) I've not yet been convinced of Him not existing, science nerd though I may be, so yeah :)
Satan? This goes hand in hand with God, though the traditional representation of a pointy-eared red guy in a world of flame seems a little silly to me at this age
Santa? ...yeeeeaaaaahhhh...
Ghosts? Sure :)
Luck? Hm, nah.
Love at first sight? Hasn't happened to me, but I do believe it could.
Yin and yang (that good can't exist without bad)? Absolutely
Witches? The Harry Potter kind? Nah.
Easter bunny? XD See Santa.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? Absolutely
Believe there’s a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow? Nah~nothing's that easy ^_~
Do you wish on stars? Sure, why not? Can't hurt~
::Deep Theological Questions::
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell? That 'traditional view' has changed so much, and I've been so influenced by pop culture, it's hard to say now. Do I think of pearly gates and huge caverns of fire? Not really...but I do think there's something...
Do you think God has a gender? *steps back* Well, He's always been a He to me, so...
Do you believe in organized religion? It can have its good and bad sides, I think. I'm lucky to have been raised in a loving, caring, close church, so I'm glad for it.
Where do you think we go when we die? Actually, it's kind of boring to think of spending eternity on a puffy white cloud, so when I sit down and think about it, I can't imagine that that's what really happens when you die, but I don't think we're just dust. Even then we still leave our marks on society, our memories in the hearts of loved ones.
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends? Yup!
Who is your best friend? Wow...that's...don't ask me that >_>
Who's the one person that knows most about you? What'd I tell you about that?! Geez...well, seeing as Japanese and TeniMyu have become such a huge part of my life, probably
kooriyoukaiWhat's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you? To not pay attention to my parents' wishes and follow my own dreams :)
Your favourite inside joke? XDDDDD DO NOT MAKE ME PICK.
Thing you're picked on most about? As a child? My height XD
Who's your longest known friend?
frolicking4eva :) My first friend at South Highlands, so...almost 13 years ♥
Newest? Uuhhh...*scratches head*
strawberry777 I guess XD
zach99998 out of fandom,
nacchi_camui in it XD
analineblue *wibbles*
kooriyoukai ♥
butterfly_eli <33333
umbrellaofdoom, I'm sorry, you take the cake by FAR.
Friends you miss being close to the most?
frolicking4evaLast person you talked to online?
kooriyoukai and the Lube Chat ladies XD
Who do you talk to most online?
kooriyoukai and
umbrellaofdoom probably XD
Who are you on the phone with most?
kooriyoukai probably nowadays, of my friends (so excluding parents and the like)
Who do you trust most? touchy question~
Who do you fight most with? I make it a point to try and remain neutral at all times :)
Who's the nicest? You ladies are ALL nice. All giving, charming characters, I love you all ;;
Who's the most outgoing?
pixxers--I dread meeting you, you'll drag me out of my shell whether I want to or not! XDDDDD
Who's the best singer? We sing? XD
Who's on your shit-list? Like I'll say? XD
Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend? Nope o_O
Who's your second family? Lube Chat, seriously.
Do you always feel understood? In there, yeah <3 Maybe that's why I spend so much time online.
Who's the loudest friend? In person...I think
kooriyoukai and
reppu impress me the most with their forthrightness XD
Do you trust others easily? Not really o_O
Who's house were you last at? My own? XD
Name one person who's arms you feel safe in: My mom's ;;
Do your friends know you? More than they think ♥
Friend that lives farthest away: I'll say it for good measure in case my previous post didn't make this clear: TUTI ♥
:: Love and All That::
Do you consider love a mistake? Never :) "Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" and all that~
What do you find romantic? Cuddling? Uuhhh...or at least I like to read that best?
Turn-on? Hmm...everything Tuti and Nagayan embody? XD
Turn-off? Ever since we watched that Nagayan movie, I have had an unnatural repulsion to FEET.
First kiss? Not had one, and not in any hurry to get one either :)
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them? If it's just one date, I'm not that picky, but before I went steady with anyone, definitely.
Have you ever wished it was more socially acceptable for a girl to ask a guy out? It's not? Still, personally, I'd want to be asked out, just cause I'm shy that way
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? There've definitely been people I've fallen out of infatuation with and been like, "Wow...he was, like...not attractive at all o_O"
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking? Maybe more 'cute'? XD
What is best about the opposite sex? When they don't act like their gender :)
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex? When they do? XD
What's the last present someone gave you? All my LOVELIES from Spring Break ;__; manga, doujinshi, DVDs *wibbles*
Are you in love? I'm eternally 'in infatuation' I think :)
:: Who Was the Last Person... ::
That haunted you? Don't have those problems
You wanted to kill? Not REALLY kill...but boy was I pissed at my parents February 2005 XD
That you laughed at? Nacchi and her Hard Gay + Tuti FOOOOOOOOOO!
That laughed at you? Becca XD PA!
That turned you on? Oshitari Yuushi--gotta love Makka
You went shopping with? KY, Whitney, Reppu ♥ groceries, anyone?
That broke your heart? Not yet...
To disappoint you? Myself
To ask you out? I forget? XD
To make you cry? Do movies count?
To brighten up your day? My whole Spring Break was brightened by all you girls ♥
That you thought about? Tuti? Weird...
You saw a movie with? I don't remember the last movie I saw...Brokeback, maybe? So Amy and Scott~
You talked to on the phone?
kooriyoukaiYou talked to through IM/ICQ?
kooriyoukai and Lube Chat!
You saw? The people in the drivethrough at Taco Bell XD
You lost? lost? o_O
:: Right This Moment...::
Are you going out? Nope...
Will it be with your significant other? Nope XD
What are you wearing right now? Brown sweater, comfy jeans that are kind of wet around the bottom from the huge storm we had today, my favorite boots~
Body part you're touching right now: Touching? WHAT KIND OF MEME IS THIS?
What are you worried about right now? I have to turn in a Stats project proposal Monday, have a fic I meant to upload by yesterday, translations translations translations, reeeaaaally need to call my boss about work this summer, should be apartment hunting, and need to email this chick about some doujinshi ♥ Oh I'm not busy, nope.
What book are you reading? This meme? XD
What's on your mousepad? A puppy in a mailbox. SOMEONE CALL PETA!
Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling: tired, sore, cold (fingers), relieved, still hungry XD
Are you bored? Of this meme? YES.
Are you tired? YES.
Are you talking to anyone online? Not yet~that's gonna change soon though
Are you talking to anyone on the phone? Nope
Are you lonely or content? Pretty content, but it's no fun not talking to anyone
Are you listening to music? Yup, Remioromen's Chime