Sniped this TeniMyu meme from
viherkyn :D
[01] Which musical is your favorite?
Of the ones I've only seen on DVD...probably Dream Live 1st. But just because I love all the awesomeness that happened in it. A close second/tied is GradMyu because...well yeah, it was the perfect TeniMyu cast for me. Everyone in their best position, the best cast dynamic, the closest friendships...
Of the live shows...mmm, my first viewing of the Rikkai 1st show this past run, definitely :D I loved my Seigaku boys, I was genuinely surprised (and shocked even) at the match outcomes and songs performed, it was like everything was brand new, and I loved that feeling.
[02] Which is your favorite song?
Eeesh, well, let's see...
Group songs: I definitely love how upbeat and fun the ending songs are; FGKS and On My Way will always make me happy and I don't think I've ever skipped them if they came on my playlist, if that makes sense XD And guh, I really liked This is My Best, as well.
Solos/duets: The most recent GP medley slayed me ten times over--it was like every great GP song rolled into one PLUS a little bit of new stuff. Also, Ikki uchi (the Tezuka+Atobe duet that was just their two solos sung together) gives me chills still; it is FUN TIMES at karaoke though. I'm sure there are about a dozen I really like.
[03] Who is your favorite character?
Oshitari Yuushi, bitches :D In the anime, at least. In the myu itself...hmm, tough one :/ It depends on the cast, really. If it's 1st cast, gimme some Tuti or Nagayan or Kime as GP and Fuji, if it's second cast, I like when Shirota's up there as Tezuka cause that means he's gonna sing :D etc etc. So I guess I can't choose within the myu.
[04] Which is your favorite team?
Seigaku, hands down :D Anime, Myu, any medium. Though I definitely have some immense love for Hyoutei (A more than B, though I love certain B members particularly strongly XD) and Shitenhouji just wormed their way into my heart, though I vastly preferred them as guests than in their Myu itself.
[05] What is your favorite pairing?
In the anime, Golden Pair. In the musicals...well, not not Golden Pair, though some actors make me virtually dread any time Oishi and Eiji are on stage because I know I'll just be disappointed. Also Dirty Pair yesplz. Every day I thank Ueshima for Katsu no wa Hyoutei. Every. Day.
[06] Who is your favorite actor?
Try as he might to make everyone forget about him or lose interest in him, Tsuchiya Yuuichi: you are not getting rid of me (and you try so hard). Nagayan is about the most fun person to be a hardcore fan of, though, gotta admit.
[07] Least favorite?
Let's not go there, because I won't shut up about the people I dislike in their roles, and it'll only make people unhappy if they do like them, so. For actors I just generally don't think were really well suited for their roles in one way or another, certain 2nd cast members come to mind...XD
[08] Who was your first favorite?
Tuti, definitely, with Nagayan a close second likely only because I saw Tuti and Ichitaroh's combo first.
[09] Who has the best voice?
Eeesh, wtf? I have to choose? Nnnngh. I love me some: Kimeru, Kazuki, Furukawa, Taito, Saitou (hey, it rhymes! XD), Dai-chan, Shirota, unf I'm gonna stop here.
[10] The worst?
Again, because I could expound at length on this subject, I'mma make it short and sweet :P TakiEiji wasn't too adept, though, and poor Hosogai couldn't hold a note with two hands...
[11] The most similar to their character?
Hmm, of the ones I know much about their personality, I don't really find them all that similar to their characters...though for some reason I recall someone mentioning Tsujimoto really acts like the mother of the cast to an extent, so maybe he is Oishi-like in that respect? Also Kime as Fuji was some perfect casting IMHO.
[12] Who do you think is the hottest?
I like the slimmer (read: less manly, I guess XD) boys, and boy have I found the following hot: Nagayan, TakiYuki, Tsujimoto, Shouta (with special nods to Dai-chan and Tuti, who aren't so slim and not-manly :D)
[13] The cutest?
Ruito when he was first getting his stage legs was adorable, and Naitou had entire scenes in MahaMo centered around how cute he was so, yeah :D
[14] The prettiest?
His Sparkliness the Kime.
[15] Favorite doubles pair?
On stage, it's just an absolute pleasure watching T2 strut their shit, because of how close they are off stage translating seamlessly into good moves on stage.
[16] Who do you know the most about?
Tuti, Nagayan, and Moriyama Eiji, probably. More than is healthy XD;;;;
[17] If you could date one of them, who would it be?
............................maybe Hosogai though I won't go into how I think he looks better with certain other Hyoutei members... >_> At least we'd be able to connect culturally :D
[18] Ship anyone?
You have to ask? But just for completion's sake: Tuti/Nagayan and Tsujimoto/Shouta for now, with a deep-seated lingering appreciation for Pedobear/ShotabaitSaitou/Ruito and a strange fascination with Kubota/Hosogai of some sort >_____>
[19] Made any form of fanwork about any of them? ...just that. It's not much :D *shakes fist at