My absolute OBSESSION with TsujiTaka remains unabated :P Today, while researching for a fic, I stumbled upon BabaRyo's blog (I'd known he had one, just never checked it out. GOD WHAT AN IDIOT I AM).
IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER (lolololol jk they're totes in order of "BABARYO + T2" to "5TH GEN ORGY"):
Shouta and his humongoid lips, they're so fricking kissable :DDDDDD Also, I love his huge glasses.
GOOD GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO TSUJI'S ARM?! It looks huge XD But they all still look good *___* ampersand-hearts-semicolon!!!
oooooomggggggg IS THAT ONE OF THEIR YAKINIKU PARTIES? CAUSE HOT DAMN. Also lololol @ Tsujimoto and his beer XD *neeeeds to write drunk making-out fic liek whoa*
Good god the great DORKNESS that is BabaRyo -- IIRC this is from the June event, y/y? I totally like all their outfits better here btw XD
I dunno wtf T2 are doing in the back, but I luuuuuuv them :P
Shouta can fit cylindrical objects in his mouth, and Tsujimoto is crazy. That's all I got from this pic.
Oh my gooooood らてぃ~!!! I swear, the animal looks STUFFED.
Shouta's so styling he dun even know it--but loooook how smushed everyone is and cute :D
Okay, not even gonna lie, THEY BOTH LOOK LIKE DORKS HERE. Shouta looks half asleep, and Tsujimoto looks like it's his first pic ever XDDDDDD
This is all to say I posted
even more fic, bitches. YOU SEE WHAT THEIR ADORABLENESS AND BEST-FRIENDEDNESS DOES TO ME? GOD. Baba is NOT helping me not write even more fic with them! Some of you people need to HOP on this bandwagon! TUTI SUPPORTS IT. NAGAYAN SUPPORTS IT. WHY DON'T YOU?!
In other news, while trying to do research to find out who the heck Shouta could've learned about TxN from, I found out that Tsujimoto and Tuti had been in another drama together! Okay, not at the same TIME, but...potentially really close o_O The drama? Dounichi Rabu!
Here's Tsujimoto's episode, and
here's Tuti's! Unfortunately, no pics of Tsujimoto in his ep :/ Tsujimoto was also apparently in the Waterboys series o_O *the more you know* :P