Apr 13, 2009 09:59
So I sent my supervisor at the HATE!work an email today asking if I could take off half the day on May 1 since my dad's flying into Tokyo that day, so I could go meet him. I got this email in return:
From April 29 (Wed) to May 6 (Wed), Astellas takes off for Golden Week. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.
...NO NO, QUITE ALL RIGHT 8D I LOVE JAPAN'S 234729380432 HOLIDAYS. LOVE 'EM. Of course, this isn't to say the DMC people won't try to make me work some time during then >_> but we'll see! YAY for less to worry about! 8D
Also, I took a moment today to take stock of all the awesome things I've gotten involved in and interested in because of Tuti, Nagayan, and Tuti/Nagayan:
Coco's Curry
Not Dressing Like a Slob (as much)
Japanese theatre (before them, I never had much interest in plays/acting beyond a few musicals)
ShibaTora XD
And I'm sure there are quite a few other things I have these guys to thank for, but these are really big parts of my life now, and I just think it's kinda nice all the stuff I never would've known or gotten into without them :P
work bitching,