FujiQ Fun!

Mar 19, 2009 11:18

So, time for FujiQ picspam! The place was incredibly easy to get to, if not quite out of the way. Seriously, Tuti lives in the fucking BOONIES. But at least the view was nice!

Wasshi (Peter) and Daiki-chan (Rachel) are quite genki at 9 AM! We're waiting on the Chuo platform at Shinjuku station, making utter fools of ourselves :D

...Did I lie? Utter fools 8D

Rachel's Leader ensemble, awash in red~

...and a little bit of blue, too ^_~

Speaking of blue! Our Eiji has arrived! (Paula, hughes_maes) ...looking very Besshi-ish if you ask me :D

But Peter is Wasshi through and through XD Lookit that chin!

A picture of a picture :D

I had a better picture of myself, but I think Tuti looking like an ass and kissing a bottle of sakura-flavored milk tea is way better, ne? 8D

While I continue to act like an idiot on the train...

...Leader and Fuku-leader were all manner of cute :DDDDDD

...Hey, I should get to have some fun, too.

On the platform at Ootsuki, Wasshi is oblivious and Leader and Fuku-leader are stupidly cute.

The platform at Ootsuki station to change to the Fuji Kyuukou line.

One of the first sightings of Mt. Fuji, this was shot from the window of the last train we had to take to get there (Shinjuku to Takao, Takao to Ootsuki, and Ootsuki to Fujikyuu Highland--the last one was only 2 cars long, and there was no one to take your ticket going in or out of the station XD;;;)


Leader and Wasshi are ecstatic, as you can see. That's Eejanaika in the background :D

You had to get your picture taken on your pass, so we did. Leader and Wasshi fucking ROCK XD

The Red Tower (Daiki's batsu game XD) -- unfortunately it was closed by the time we got to it later that day :/

Part of Eejanaika~

Our first order of business: take embarrassingly shippy photos of the happy couple!

First order of business: FUJIYAMA! This is the coaster all the guys rode first, with samurai!Tuti and scaredshitless!Eiji :D

THE DROP. No, not the gentle upward slope on the right, but that almost-vertical one after it :D

Eiji was scared, and Paula is, too XD But Leader's there to give a peptalk ^__^

And hey, when you compare it to Eejanaika there next door...it's not so bad, is it? XD

View of Mt. Fuji from waiting in line at Fujiyama~

We next headed to Eejanaika, and while waiting, we ran into a couple of members of the FujiQ Highlanders! Leader and Fuku-leader got pics with their appropriate members :D

And then...it was time.

...AND WE SURVIVED! I'll post a closeup later, but if you can't tell, everyone in that last picture is hanging upside down, headed for the ground headfirst @___@

Leader and Fuku-leader celebrate surviving by sticking phallic symbols in each other's mouths.

And posing in front of the Eejanaika god or something!


Next was the haunted hospital...! I, being the scaredy cat I was, was going to wait at the exit for the others.


...unfortunately, it was closed by the time we got there just a few minutes late :( You can see Eiji is crushed.

The park at dusk ^__^ All the white is the ice skating rink. That's Eejanaika in the back in red, and the white track beneath it is Dodonpa (the 2nd coaster they all rode, with rabidsquirrel!Daiki and pianist!Tuti), closed when we went.

And finally, a random Sebastian and Grell cosplayer I ran into there! There were a ton of cosplayers, and I couldn't help myself here ^_~ They were only too happy to be snapped :D

picspam, fujikyuu, naipani

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