We're passed the halfway point! It's all downhill into RabuRabu Territory from here~
You thought the touching would stop once inside a cramped car and separated by Tsuchiya "GOD DON'T GET YOUR DOMESTICITY ON ME" Yuuichi? YOU THOUGHT WRONG.
Watch here as Eiji gingerly tests the waters at the hot springs...
Now watch as Daiki pushes his ass in.
Eiji: "OWW OWW OWW."
Me: "ds,fusldfiuhsdfsf fucksocute ;_;"
High Five #7.
High Five #8
At least the Hubby knows his place is bowed down at the feet of his Leader.
They never fail to reduce me to MUSH when they comfort each other in that stupid way of theirs XD And every time I see this, it always amazes me that, yeah, they know the other is patronizing them a little, but it still feels good to be paid attention to, and it always cheers them up, regardless.
And they're back at the slightly antagonistic, good-natured teasing they're so good at *_____*
Eiji's always the one who gets onto Daiki for talking too fast (I guess he's the one who's had to put up with it the longest? Wasshi probably never paid much attention to it, or was never bothered by it that much because...he's Wasshi XD)
But Daiki always ALWAYS knows Eiji does it because...it's just a familiar role Eiji lapses into. Daiki gets excited, talks too fast, trips over himself, and Eiji stops to pick him up, dust him off, and tell him to slow the fuck down 8D
High Five #9
High Five #10 (yes, these were two separate occasions XDDD)
Here's something new--and something I love seeing (because I love Leadermode, mostly 8D)--Eiji is late to rejoin the group, having miscalculated the time; he doesn't yet know he's late, though, and so is all smiles as he approaches the van.
He steps in, curious at the silence that greets him when he'd usually expect there to be a lively conversation going on.
Daiki: "Get a clue." (kuuki yonde is what he says--literally a command to, "read the atmosphere"--he means Eiji should take note of how everyone else is reacting to his joining them, and figure out why they're not all happy. It is far from a nice, normal!Daiki thing to say. This is Leader speaking.)
Eiji is suitably admonished, a sight different from his attitude climbing into the van. Daiki's years younger than him, but he's pretty much just verbally bitch-slapped the guy. This is the face of someone who knows not to piss off their Leader (unlike CERTAIN OTHER PEOPLE WITH BIG FOREHEADS).
Daiki's face here is one of Not Happy. It's not quite angry (seeing as Eiji's calmly taking his cock-whipping), but he's definitely not the usually genki happy Daiki.
Director Hottie McSexpants: "So what were you doing?"
Daiki: "Takin' a crap?" (we're starting to get back into the swing of things now!)
Eiji: "NO. I was not taking a crap. I didn't poop a one." (Daiki's now laughing again--while Tuti and Wasshi are neutral, not choosing to take part in the bathroom humor) Now we see they've fallen back into their usual pattern, more familiar territory, and this little joke says so much. It tells Eiji Daiki's forgiven him (because Daiki is VERY protective of their group image, and won't let anyone ruin it), and the speed with which that happened shows how much Daiki depends on him, trusts him, KNOWS he wouldn't purposefully be late (again, UNLIKE CERTAIN OTHER MEMBERS WITH LARGE FOREHEADS).
A series of shots I actually lightened, because they were initially quite dark. Eiji checks out Daiki as they change--first fixing his own towel, and then letting his wandering eye do as it felt.
...While Daiki takes an opportunity to Touch Some More, rubbing Eiji's back as he flexes in the mirror. Approval is apparent :D
Ladies and gentlemen, these men are 30.
One more after this~!!