Feb 24, 2008 11:32
Okay, I'm bored, and I want fic. Easy solution? Write it myself. Easier solution? Get you people to write for me :D
So, I decided to start an anonymous drabble request thread. How does this work? First, log out (believe me, it makes it more fun for everyone). Next, reply to this post with your drabble request.
1) What's a drabble?
>>A drabble is, traditionally, a short-story of exactly 100 words in length, but I'd like to be a little more flexible and say make it under 300 words. Of course you're WELCOME to go higher, but the point of this thread is to let people have some fun without any pressure to write a lot. Write 2 sentences, write a few sentences that aren't really connected (maybe like stream of consciousness or something), write a few paragraphs, whatever!
2) What do we put in the request?
>>I want to limit this to *pnish* fandom (and TutixNagayan by extension), because...that's what I'm in the mood for 8D Just request a pairing (or a single character even, or just a friendship fic, or two characters' completely platonic thoughts on one another--but be specific! Or else you may find yourself wanting an innocent Santies friendship fic and getting Eiji/Wasshi in the shower XD;;;). Also, I want to reiterate ANY PAIRING IS ACCEPTABLE, so don't be shy!
You should also request a little something extra to give whoever answers something to go on. For example, "Nagayan and Tuti, sharing their thoughts on Eiji and Daiki," or, "Daiki/Eiji, first time" :D Be as vague or specific as you want >)
Also, if you want to answer a drabble request, just reply anonymously to the request with your reply. I want to keep everything contained here, and as anonymous as possible (of course if you feel like revealing yourself you're welcome to, but it's more fun this way, I think!) You never know who's going to request what and who's going to reply, so GO WILD!
Haven't had the guts to post your own fic before? Use this as some fun practice! No one knows who's doing it, it's all about getting the chance to get your fantasies granted! Now, I'm fully expecting to get a lot of requests, and realize replies may be harder to come by, but give it a shot! If you write a request, think about replying to one, too! You can get as many replies to your request as you want, and can reply to as many other requests as you want, too! The sky's the limit!
Now get crackin'!
drabble challenge