florentinescot said I should do this...
job interest meme
1. Go to Put in Username: nycareers Password: landmark
3. Take their "Career Matchmaker" questions
4. Post the top ten results
ok, so I copied
florentinescot and posted all 40 .......
1. Costume Designer
2. Set Designer
3. Special Effects Technician
4. Website Designer
5. Industrial Designer
6. Animator
7. Desktop Publisher
8. Interior Designer
9. Actor
10. Cartoonist / Comic Illustrator
11. Fashion Designer
12. Biomedical Engineer
13. Makeup Artist
14. Electrical Engineer
15. Multimedia Developer
16. Chemical Engineer
17. Aerospace Engineer
18. Mechanical Engineer
19. Director of Photography
20. Optometrist
21. Graphic Designer
22. Artist
23. Computer Animator
24. Comedian
25. Exhibit Designer
26. Musician
27. Geologist
28. Medical Illustrator
29. Composer
30. Hydrologist / Hydrogeologist
31. Craftsperson
32. Potter
33. Casting Director
34. Mining Engineer
35. Engineering Tech
36. Stuntperson
37. Magician
38. Video Game Developer
39. Dancer
40. Petroleum Engineer
Ok, that's funny. All those years I thought I wanted to be an engineer or programmer (even got a degree in Computer Science) and this tells me that I would rather be and would be a better fit as "talent" (actor) than any sort of engineer?
Hmm, #31. A Craftsperson. Is that someone who crafts people? :) One could say that as a fencing coach, I do that...
#'s 36. & 39. Looks like I'm a better fit as someone to blow up rather than fall on my feet...